
T-72 and BMP-1 seen in the same formation with M113 and M1A1M Abrams in Iraq

Image source: rg.ru

A large batch of restored military equipment has been handed over to the Iraqi army. At the solemn events, representatives of the high command were shown cars of various classes, including Humvee SUVs.

These vehicles are used by the Iraqis to install various weapons, including Russian anti-tank missile systems "Kornet".

Currently, in the land forces of this state, the most popular tracked armored vehicles are the American M113.

In total, the units have more than five hundred such APCS. Together with them, about a hundred Soviet BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles are also operated. Their composition is replenished by repairing samples left over from the time of Saddam Hussein.

The same is done with old tanks, such as the T-55 and T-72. Interestingly, with the reanimated equipment from the Soviet Union in the same line are the American Abrams. It is known that Iraq received about one and a half hundred M1A1M from overseas. 60 vehicles were lost in the battles with the terrorists.

It was reported that US representatives temporarily suspended technical support for tanks of this model. However, it seems that at the moment all the controversial issues have already been resolved.

Alexey Brusilov

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