
Taiwan has launched its own construction of submarines

Image source: Jane's

Beijing. November 24. INTERFAX-the head of the Taiwanese administration, Tsai ing-Wen, announced the launch of a program to build Taiwanese military submarines in the city of Kaohsiung, the Associated press reports.

"This submarine is an important part of what will allow our Navy to develop asymmetric weapons, as well as intimidate and block enemy ships so that they do not surround the main island of Taiwan. Now, from the construction of the submarine to its commissioning, we will definitely let the world know about our tenacity in protecting sovereignty, " Tsai ing-Wen said, commenting on the start of construction.

CSBC Corporation, the island's largest shipbuilding company, took over the project. It plans to build eight submarines, the first by 2024. Their cost will exceed $ 16 billion, which is criticized for such a high price.

Own production is the cornerstone of the defense strategy of the head of the Taiwanese administration. At the same time, Tsai ing-Wen managed to get approval from the US authorities to buy billions of dollars ' worth of American weapons. Beijing has repeatedly expressed its displeasure about this.

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