
Rogozin confirmed the discovery of a defective valve in the Soyuz rocket on Kourou

Image source: © Александр Рюмин/ТАСС

The General Director of Roscosmos noted a sharp drop in the responsibility and quality of work of suppliers

MOSCOW, November 24. /TASS/. Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin confirmed the discovery of a defective valve in the Soyuz rocket at the Kourou cosmodrome and the prevention of an accident during its launch.

"Everyone always has a marriage, but in our business it is expensive. The good thing is that a poorly made part was detected in time by the quality control system, " Rogozin wrote on his Facebook page, commenting on the message about the detection and replacement of a faulty valve.

Rogozin also noted a sharp drop in the responsibility and quality of work of suppliers. At the same time, the head of Roscosmos did not consider the news about the discovery of a defective valve negative. In his opinion, "the negative would be that the "defective valve" would fly away with the rocket and it would return to earth as a pile of emergency metal."

Earlier, a source in the Russian defense Ministry told TASS that Roscosmos specialists discovered technical problems during the preparation of the launch from the Guiana space center (Kourou). In turn, a source in the rocket and space industry explained to TASS that last week, during tests in the installation and measurement complex, an electro-pneumatic valve leak was detected. The part has already been brought from Russia, and work is underway to replace it.

The launch of the Soyuz-ST-A launch vehicle is scheduled for November 29. A Russian rocket is to launch the UAE's Falcon Eye 2 satellite into orbit. Previously, the launch was repeatedly postponed due to comments on the Fregat upper stage.

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Comments [1]
02.12.2020 07:24
Это цирк.

Одна, десять, сто ракет - это даже не партия.
Это проба пера с точки зрения производства.

Не уж ли нельзя проверить отдельно каждый сраный клапан, их там всего штук 150 на всю долбаную ракету.

Нет, за эти деньги - не клоуны.
Преступники - саботажники, лодыри, вредители, импотенты, воры и иждивенцы с маменькиными сынками, давно не получавшие папских пи#$#лей.
При том подавляющая часть - на верхушке этого айсберга.

Где Сталины с Королёвыми?...
Один сброд и чмырьё.
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