
Attack helicopter "Tiger" will receive a new guided missile system

Image source: invoen.ru

The French Tiger attack helicopter will receive a new air-to-ground tactical missile as its main armament. The French armed forces have developed an anti-tank guided missile for their "Tiger", which will replace the ATGM "Hellfire" (Hellfire).

The French arms Agency DGA has chosen MBDA to develop a new weapon. In the concept of a long-range missile (MHT/MLP, Missile Haut de Trame / Missile Longue Portée), the manufacturer proposed a product based on the technologies of a medium-range guided missile MMP. Its modular architecture makes it easy to integrate MHT / MLP on various ground and air combat platforms in addition to the Tiger helicopter» .

Due to a 20 percent weight reduction compared to other missiles in this category, the Tiger's combat configuration can include up to eight missiles. The total weight savings will be almost 100 kg, which will increase the amount of fuel and, consequently, the time spent in the operational zone.


According to MBDA, the new ATGM has a range of more than eight kilometers, even when fired from a fixed platform at low altitude. Its multi-functional warhead is capable of hitting a wide range of targets, from modern main battle tanks to enhanced combat infrastructure. MHT / MLP works day and night and beyond the line of sight (in BLOS mode, Beyond Line of Sight). Using an optocoupler homing head and a two-way data channel, the operator receives a visible and infrared image of the target in high resolution. During the flight of the missile, the Tiger crew can use this image both to determine the hit point of the ATGM and to select a new target.

French defense Minister Florence PARLY announced the acquisition of 500 missiles, simulators and manipulators for training purposes for the French army aviation. According to the schedule of the Tiger program, deliveries should begin in 2028.

By materials soldat-und-technik.de

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Comments [3]
24.11.2020 05:13
До ЛМУР далеко  по возможностям.
24.11.2020 12:08
И только в 2028 году...
24.11.2020 14:50
...мощность взрыва 1 кг нового ВВ эквивалентна 20 кг тротила и получен впервые.
Все запасы НУРС перевооружим типа шнур 500м вместо ВВ "суперзмеями горыныча" из всех блоков залпом. И где будет "Тиггер" со своей стаей бпла.
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