
Machines fire: self-propelled flamethrowers are waiting for a serious upgrade

Image source: Фото: ТАСС/Сергей Бобылев/пресс-служба Министерства обороны РФ

Heavy flamethrower systems (CBT) "Pinocchio" and "Solntsepek" thoroughly updated. Combat vehicles will increase not only firepower, but also security, as well as connect them to the"military Internet". In real time, the equipment will receive the coordinates of targets, as well as combat tasks and March routes. It is planned to equip flamethrower systems with the latest long-range missiles that can burn entire hectares at a distance of up to 15 km. According to experts, the upgraded CBT will radically increase the capabilities of Russian troops on the battlefield and become one of the most dangerous vehicles.

Heavy flamethrower systems (CBT) "Pinocchio" and "Solntsepek" thoroughly updated. Combat vehicles will increase not only firepower, but also security, as well as connect them to the"military Internet". In real time, the equipment will receive the coordinates of targets, as well as combat tasks and March routes. It is planned to equip flamethrower systems with the latest long-range missiles that can burn entire hectares at a distance of up to 15 km. According to experts, the upgraded CBT will radically increase the capabilities of Russian troops on the battlefield and become one of the most dangerous vehicles.

With a long-range sight

As sources in the military Department told Izvestia, the fundamental decision to modernize the TOS-1 and TOS-1A has already been made. Newly released machines will receive updates first. And the systems already delivered to the troops will be upgraded during the repair process. Improving the characteristics of the equipment was required due to the growing range and changing tasks for heavy flamethrower systems, the interlocutors explained to the publication.

In addition to modern digital means of communication, CBT will also receive equipment for a closed data transmission segment, known as the"military Internet". This will make it possible to integrate the vehicles not only in reconnaissance and fire circuits, but also in the most modern automated control systems (ACS) of the tactical level. Subsequently, it is planned to adapt the latest long-range ammunition used so far only TOS-2 "Tosochka"for them.

Currently, the radiation, chemical and biological protection forces (rcbz) have up to a hundred heavy flamethrower systems of two modifications: the TOS-1 "Pinocchio" based on the T-72 tank and the improved TOS-1A "Solntsepek" on the t-90 chassis. All these cars will be improved.

According to the military Department, earlier at the Center-2019 exercises, a new organizational and staff structure for the massive use of "solntsepek" was already tested. And at the strategic maneuvers "Caucasus-2020" TOS-2 used long-range missiles TBS-4M in thermobaric equipment.

The range of the first samples of weapons "Pinocchio" was only 3.5 km. Subsequently, it was brought to 6 km. The new ammunition tested at the exercises in 2020 will increase the reach by two and a half times at once, up to 15 km. Izvestia reported on the development of these missiles back in 2016.

Also, according to Izvestia, all tracked cbts of the southern military district will be replaced by Tosochki by 2025. But in other regions of the country, "Pinocchio" and "Sun" will long be in service units and NBC.

— Such heavy flamethrower systems fire direct fire at the front line. With the new equipment, they will be able to work from closed positions, " military expert Viktor Murakhovsky told Izvestia. - The automated guidance system will eliminate errors that can be made by the human factor. The speed of preparing data and weapons for shooting will increase. Upgraded heavy flamethrower systems can be used as an element of reconnaissance and strike systems. And given that one of its variants — the TOS-2-received a wheelbase, this will significantly increase operational mobility and resource. This technique will continue to occupy a worthy place among weapons systems and even expand its niche.

The contours of the fire

The introduction of automated control systems allows you to increase the firepower of artillery. According to the Ministry of defense, the exercises regularly practice hitting targets within minutes of their detection by intelligence. It is the automated control system that allows modern Russian and foreign artillery systems to hit targets with the first volleys, and then quickly move and deploy to new positions so as not to fall under a retaliatory strike.

The coordinates of enemy targets are detected by intelligence, radars, and drones. Data about them is sent to the ACS, and from there to the gunners. Automation allows you to quickly calculate the necessary data to open fire. Moreover, for each weapon, its exact position on the ground and characteristics are individually taken into account, and its own task is assigned.

The latest models of artillery systems, such as "Tornado-G" and "Tornado-S", as well as the self-propelled artillery system" Coalition-SV", already have the necessary equipment for operating under the control of the automated control system. The commander even has access to a digital map of the area, which shows the position of their own vehicles and enemy targets. With deep modernization, they receive a set of necessary electronics for ACS 2S3 "acacia" and 2S19 "Msta-S".

Similar equipment will appear on heavy flamethrower systems that are in service with the rcbz. Now they also can be integrated into the existing system of fire control and artillery reconnaissance and firing circuits. Connecting to a closed data transmission segment will allow you to directly link them, if necessary, even with the National defense control center in Moscow.

"Pinocchio" from NBC

TOS back in the Soviet times was not included in the artillery, and the troops NBC. This situation still persists. Currently, the CBT battalion is part of the radiation, chemical and biological protection brigades, and the regiments have one company each.

Features of the thermobaric mixture make it particularly effective against fortifications. Not only dugouts, but also light armored vehicles do not save from the combination of a powerful shock wave and high temperature. With a single salvo, the combat vehicle is able to hit a platoon stronghold equipped according to all the rules.

Because of their short range, the TOS often operated on the front lines, sometimes under enemy fire. Therefore, they are assigned units of soldiers who cover the combat work. This includes the flame thrower with a thermobaric RPO-a "bumblebee", the machine-gunners and snipers.

Prototypes of the TOS-1 "Pinocchio" were tested in the war in Afghanistan. Since the beginning of this century, an improved version has been delivered to the troops, which received the designation TOS-1A "Solntsepek". Both models are currently in service. Began experimental military operation more mobile heavy flamethrower system "Lisochka", established on the basis of the truck.



Image source: iz.ru

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