
The most passable: what is unique about the Russian self-propelled gun "Magnolia"

Image source: rg.ru

Russian "Magnolia", according to military experts, is currently considered the most all-terrain self-propelled artillery in the world.

It is not afraid of difficult terrain, including swampy areas. She will feel confident in the snow of the Arctic.

Such outstanding mobility characteristics are achieved by using a two-link conveyor of the Vityaz family as a chassis. Four track belts have an increased width, which ensures a low specific pressure on the ground.

Also, the combat vehicle can swim to overcome various water obstacles.

The powerful 710-horsepower engine allows you to accelerate up to 44 km/h on the roads. The fuel range reaches 700 kilometers.

The self-propelled gun is armed with a universal 120-mm gun, capable of using both high-explosive mines and shells. In the first case, the range of destruction will be 7000 meters, in the second-already 8500 meters.

It also provides for the use of high-precision guided munitions that can destroy enemy targets at a distance of up to 10,000 meters.

During the course of the combat mission, the "Magnolia" will be able to bring down up to 10 rounds of ammunition per minute on the enemy. In total, the ammunition includes 80 rounds.

For self-defense, a remote-controlled machine gun mount is installed on the roof of the tower. Crew - 4 people.

It was reported that the self-propelled gun is currently undergoing tests, after which it is expected to be adopted by the artillery units of the Russian army.

Alexey Moiseev

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