
Rosmorport has started testing the project for unmanned navigation


As reported on November 16, 2020, FSUE "Rosmorport", it is the beginning of a test equipment for unmanned navigation. The project is implemented with the support of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation and with the participation of the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation and the Russian Maritime register of shipping.

Gruntuetsya barge "working" FSUE Rosmorport, equipped with a remote control system (C) of FSUE "Rosmorport"

In the past year for developing technologies of unmanned navigation in the framework of the project on introduction of unmanned navigation ANO "Industry center MARINETTE" National technology initiative of FGUP Rosmorport allocated a bundle of vessels as part of a dredging caravan for testing. The dredger " Redut "has a remote control for the dredging scow "Rabochaya", from which the scow will be monitored and controlled. Special equipment as part of a single basic technological platform is also installed on the scow.

Full-scale testing began in November. Testing takes place in the Kerch Strait near the sea port of Kavkaz under the General guidance of the working group of the MARINET industry center. The distance from the dredging area to the sea dump is about 30 km. This distance is planned to pass the scow in remote or automatic control modes.

Currently, the dredging caravan vessels are working on:

- checking the ability of the installed equipment to receive and transmit information about the environment and parameters of the vessel;

- checking the interaction between the "working" equipment installed on the "Working" equipment and the remote control panel mounted on the "Redut" dredger";

- checking the implementation of embedded remote and automatic control algorithms;

- working out under the supervision of the crew of the automatic and remote control of the vessel on the basis of approved scenarios.

The company expects that in the future, one crew on the lead ship-dredger, will be able to simultaneously manage all the vessels of the caravan at once. This will optimize the number of personnel on Board and improve the coordination of their work. If the pilot project is successfully completed, remote and automatic control of the dredging caravan vessels can be considered a contribution of the FSUE Rosmorport contributes to the innovative development of global shipping.

The introduction of unmanned technologies, according to most industry experts, will significantly improve the safety and environmental friendliness of sea transportation and operations, while reducing operating costs. Automatic and remote control will also help reduce the impact of the human factor, which, from the point of view of the enterprise, will increase the safety of navigation.

The use of high-tech equipment and new conditions for performing tasks at sea will require additional training for ship crews and will contribute to the even greater attractiveness of the seaman's profession.

FSUE Rosmorport is considering the possibility of using remote pilotage, the use of Autonomous working boats and the introduction of other modern technologies. For example, the company is interested in continuing testing of unmanned aerial vehicles capable of conducting ice reconnaissance in difficult sea conditions.

The dredger "Redoubt" FSUE "Rosmorport" (C) Federal state unitary enterprise "Rosmorport"

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