
Almaz-Antey will present developments in the field of air navigation at the Transport of Russia exhibition

Image source: Валерий Матыцин/ТАСС

Moscow. November 17. Interfax-Concern of East Kazakhstan region Almaz-Antey will take part in the international exhibition" Transport of Russia", which will be held in Moscow from November 18 to 20.

"Visitors to the exhibition will be presented the main work done by the concern on technical equipment and modernization of facilities that control air traffic in Russia," the concern's press service said in a statement on Tuesday.

In particular, the results of work of specialists of the holding in the framework of the Transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030 for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the integrated centers of air traffic management (ATM), the reconstruction and modernisation of complexes of means of air traffic control, radio-technical flight support and communications airports.

There will also be presented the results of modernization of the ATM system facilities in Crimea and Sevastopol, the results of the concern's participation in the construction of enlarged centers of the Unified ATM system of the Russian Federation, a detailed presentation of the construction of the Yakut enlarged center with the installed complex of air traffic control automation tools "Topaz".

Dmitry Savitsky, Deputy General Director of the Almaz-Antey concern for products for the air navigation system and dual-use products, notes that participation in the Transport of Russia exhibition is " primarily aimed at strengthening the group's position as a leading developer and manufacturer of air navigation equipment." "As well as a system integrator for the implementation of complex air traffic management projects," Savitsky said, as quoted by the press service.

"The Deputy head of the holding noted that during the event, representatives of the concern will provide potential customers with full information about the holding's capabilities for the development and production of high - tech air navigation products and implementation of projects in the field of turnkey modernization of air navigation systems, "the report says.

PJSC NPO Almaz (part of Almaz-Antey) will be the concern's co-Exhibitor at Transport of Russia.

In particular, NPO Almaz will demonstrate mock-UPS of the rlk-10RA airfield radar complex and the ROSC-1 radar-optical system for ensuring the safety of objects and neutralizing UAVS.

"Within the framework of the exhibition, representatives of the concern plan to hold a number of business meetings and negotiations with representatives of relevant ministries and departments. In addition, the holding's specialists will take part in a number of thematic tracks and panel discussions as part of the business program of the event," the press service informs.

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