
Absolute protection of strategic objects has been created in Russia

Image source: Сергей Бобылев/ТАСС

The Russian President held a number of meetings with the heads of the Russian military-industrial complex. They, in particular, announced the creation of a super-protected command post in Russia. This bunker, as reported by the media, will allow you to give the command to strike retribution even after a nuclear attack on our control centers.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta managed to find out some details of the "super-security". Almost all the media have focused on the fact that we have recreated the "Perimeter" complex, or "Dead hand", as it is called abroad. Indeed, the Soviet Union implemented a system for automatically launching strategic missiles even after the Soviet Union's military command could have been destroyed by a sudden nuclear strike.

However, even a devastating nuclear missile attack could not destroy all our underground launchers and submarines with strategic missiles on Board. And who could have given them the command to launch, if the control centers would have already burned down in a nuclear fire? And when all communication with command posts and launchers was reset, the "Dead hand" was raised. Missiles that no one but the top officials of the state knew existed would automatically launch from their secret positions, fly over the territory of the "killed" USSR, and send launch commands to all combat missiles that heard them. Even though the people who served them would already be dead, the surviving missiles would launch with dozens of megaton charges of their warheads. NATO would receive a more than adequate response from a "dead" country. Western Europe and the United States would cease to exist immediately after the death of the USSR. After the collapse of the Union, our overseas " partners "made a lot of efforts to eliminate the Perimeter system. It can be considered a miracle that it was saved.

Now it turned out that the system was not only saved, but also made almost invulnerable. Like most stationary launchers of the strategic missile forces-equipped with the most powerful, by the way, Intercontinental ballistic missiles.

There was a brilliant General designer of rocket systems in the USSR with a characteristic surname-the Invincible Sergey Pavlovich. In the 1980s, the engineering design Bureau, which he led, created a complex of active protection of tanks "arena". The point was simple. A bunch of buckshot was fired towards the flying missile, which destroyed the warhead until it came into contact with the armor.

Working on active protection of tanks, Invincible came to the idea that the same way you can protect the mine launchers of the strategic missile forces. The fact is that the Americans were trumpeting the development of high-precision missile weapons that could hit underground Soviet launchers directly into their protective cover. The idea of Invincible was immediately understood and supported by Dmitry Fyodorovich Ustinov, who was then both the head of the military-industrial complex of the USSR and the Minister of defense. He estimated that the more accurate the enemy missile, the greater the guarantee of its destruction. The necessary funds were allocated, and the work, which was strictly classified, began. Little is known about them today. I will tell you from the words of the now deceased Invincible, with whom I had a very good relationship during his lifetime.

Active protection consisted in the fact that the underground launchers were surrounded by a kind of mortars of very large caliber. A huge swarm of buckshot was being fired at hypersonic speed towards the flying missile. Above the protected mine, a real iron dome was created, when it met with an enemy warhead, it was destroyed before the explosion.

In the Kolomna design Bureau of mechanical engineering in the distant 1980s, they were able to create such a system for protecting strategic missiles and control systems of the strategic missile forces, the essence of which was not even suspected in the United States.

In Kamchatka, an exact replica of an underground ballistic missile launcher was built at the now-famous Kura test site. The most powerful Soviet rocket with an inert warhead was launched from the territory of Kazakhstan. What happened next was this. From the words of S. P. Invincible.

"The warhead of the Intercontinental missile was rushing at great speed and was aimed precisely at the mouth of the silo launcher. The blow was considered inevitable. The stars twinkled, and suddenly a new one broke out among them. In a matter of seconds, it turned into a giant fireworks display that took up half of the sky. The night parted, and it was as bright as day. A huge ball emerged from the fireworks. And almost immediately, there were several explosions, and from the ball flew in different directions prominences. Then everything went dark. It was a fantastic, downright apocalyptic sight. For the first time in the world, which has not been repeated by anyone so far, a ballistic target was intercepted by non-nuclear means at a safe distance on a descending section of the trajectory. Several more tests were conducted, all successfully."

Arzamas-16 conducted their own research, which confirmed that the warhead is destroyed before the chain reaction starts, that is, a nuclear explosion does not happen. This was stated by the famous nuclear physicist Yuli Borisovich Khariton to the Invincible.

Above the protected object, a real iron dome is created from buckshot and mini-shells, when the enemy warhead is destroyed

The eighties of the twentieth century were the most fruitful for the Kolomna design Bureau of mechanical engineering. At that time, under the leadership of Invincible, the famous operational-tactical missile "Oka-U" appeared, the design of the Iskander was launched, a number of portable anti-aircraft missile and mobile anti-tank systems were created, and active protection systems are unique to this day. It would seem that such a designer and Manager should have been valued and cherished. Unfortunately, in 1989, Sergei Pavlovich was forced to retire.

And in 1991, all work on strategic active protection complexes was stopped by Directive.

But perhaps some secret units were working on them after all. Therefore, the country's top leadership can confidently declare the super-security of strategic Missile forces ' facilities. In particular, we can assume, referring to the system of "Perimeter".

Sergey Ptichkin

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