
The chief designer spoke about the improved characteristics of the new Il-76MD-90A

Image source: АО "Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация"

TSAMTO, November 9. The load capacity of the new Il-76MD-90 military transport aircraft has been increased from 48 to 60 tons. At the same time, the flight range increased by 18 percent, and fuel consumption was reduced by 12-15 percent.

This was told by the chief designer of the Il-76, Il-78 Andrey Yurasov in the program "Military acceptance" on the TV channel "Zvezda".

The Il-76MD-90A is a deeply upgraded version of the Il-76. Aircraft developer: IL PJSC is the parent company of the transport aviation division of UAC PJSC (part of rostec state Corporation), which includes Aviastar-SP JSC, where serial production of the aircraft is carried out.

The upgraded version of the Il-76MD-90A is fundamentally different from its predecessor Il-76MD, despite the external similarity.

The Il-76MD-90A aircraft allows you to solve most of the tasks of military transport aviation at a qualitatively new technical level. This is ensured by the use of a number of modern design solutions on the aircraft that meet current and future operational requirements.

The aircraft is equipped with new, more powerful PS-90A-76 engines, which provide increased take-off and landing and cruising characteristics, increased load capacity, longer flight range, increased efficiency by reducing fuel consumption and high environmental requirements for noise on the ground and emissions of harmful substances.

The new Il-76MD-90A has improved systems and units.

"On the Il-76MD-90A, almost all aircraft systems have been upgraded: the wing and landing gear have been strengthened, which has increased the load capacity and operational efficiency of the aircraft. On the previous Il-76 modification, the wing panels were made of two parts. In the Il-76MD-90A, the wing panels are made one-piece with a length of 25 meters. This reduced the weight of the wing and increased the resource, as well as made it possible to simplify the manufacturing technology, " said Andrey Yurasov, chief designer of IL-76 and Il-78 of IL PJSC.

The landing gear has been upgraded and is designed for a take-off weight of 210 tons (including 60 tons of load), and is designed with a high safety margin in mind. Due to this, the transport vehicle can be operated on equipped and unequipped airfields, on concrete and unpaved runways. New kt-199M wheels with increased power consumption are used, which will allow the aircraft to operate in the harshest climatic conditions at extremely low and high temperature conditions. The landing gear system has been upgraded to improve control, display and control on the ground and in flight.

The aircraft was created entirely from domestic components and is equipped with domestic systems and equipment.

The message is publicly available on the UAC website.

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Comments [5]
10.11.2020 08:48
Военная приемка от Звезды:
13.11.2020 17:36
Главный конструктор Ил-76 Андрей Юрасов:
Да, самолет Ил-76МД-90А, он только внешним контуром напоминает ну хорошо нам известный Ил-76МД. Да, на самом деле это совершенно новый самолет.

Какое беззастенчивое вранье, ведь ничего "совершенно нового" в эксплуатационных характеристиках нет!
Экипаж, чел.6 (7)6Нет
Дальность с нагрузкой 60 т, км-??
Дальность с нагрузкой 50 т, км4200 (47 т)4100Нет
Дальность с нагрузкой 40 т, км47505400+14%
Дальность с нагрузкой 20 т, км72008500+18%
13.11.2020 18:46
Опять Борщ набрасывает.
Итак 60 тонн Ил-76МД не могет. И даже 50 тонн не могет,у него 48 максимальная.Но Борщ в своей таблички ставит что улучшений нет.При чем про 47 тонн он взял совершено с другого сайта,на илюшине этого нет.
Скромно умолчал про 30000 летных часов в сравнению с 12000.
Ну кому нужны эти детали,главное набросить.
14.11.2020 09:22
gvinpin +1
Этим "плюсом" Вы расписались, что умеете считывать и воспринимать техническую табличную информацию не лучше неадекватного дремучего быдла, позор Вам как инженеру.
14.11.2020 09:43
Как я буря эмоций от  "технического специалиста-инженера"
К  +- ты относишься прям как  сопливая девчонка которая работает на лайки в инстаграм.
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