
Russia has experienced "Cadet-M»

Image source: dfnc.ru

In the Gulf of Finland, two radio-controlled catamarans "Kadet-M", created for the Kronstadt sea cadet military corps (St. Petersburg), were tested, Zvezda reports. The corresponding video is available on YouTube.

According to the Russian TV channel, these catamarans are mobile multi-purpose robotic complexes developed with the participation Of the center for innovation development of the Polytechnic University (Saint Petersburg) and the United shipbuilding Corporation (UAC).

The catamaran is based on an aluminum frame with carbon fiber floats. The product weighs about 100 kilograms, develops a speed of 12 knots and carries three replaceable modules with research equipment, including a module with a manipulator arm. Additionally, the product is equipped with sensors for technical vision and navigation systems.

In September, the Foundation for advanced research (FPI) reported on the testing of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) VM "Dan" M with the MGTD-125E engine, the main elements of which were printed on a 3D printer.

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