
Interesting offer. What military equipment will be exported to Russia

Image source: © РИА Новости / Рамиль Ситдиков

Russia will export about 50 new military vehicles in seven years. On Sputnik radio, Dmitry Stefanovich, a researcher at the IMEMO RAS Center for international security, expressed the opinion that many countries around the world will want to buy Russian weapons.

Russia is going to introduce about 50 new models of military equipment to the world market in the next 5-7 years, including armored vehicles based on the Armata tank, RIA Novosti reports

with reference to the press service of Rosoboronexport.

It is noted that among the samples that will soon be exported will be armored vehicles on the Armata platform, the fifth-generation su-57E fighter, the ka-52K ship-based helicopter, the upgraded mi-28NE, and the Antey-4000 anti-aircraft missile system.

On Sputnik radio, Dmitry Stefanovich, a researcher at the IMEMO RAS Center for international security, noted that the listed weapons are by far the most promising.

"Armata is the most modern example of armored weapons. And, as I understand it, based on the wording, we are talking about the fact that a set of vehicles will be attached at once: not only a tank, but also an infantry fighting vehicle, auxiliary equipment on the same chassis. This can be a very interesting offer. ... As for helicopters: both the Ka-52K and Mi-28, although in the previous version, are already exported, these are high-quality products, and more and more advanced weapons systems are appearing for them. As for the Antey-4000 air defense system, it is basically one of the best anti-aircraft missile systems in the world. This is a military air and missile defense system, which is particularly relevant in the light of the proliferation of missile weapons around the world. The search for protection from attacks is on the agenda of virtually any country. It seems to me that if there are no economic or commercial measures to influence potential buyers, the prospects for exporting this system are quite high, " Dmitry Stefanovich said.

He also shared his opinion on who could be a potential buyer of Russian weapons.

" I Think we will continue our cooperation with the countries of the Middle East and North Africa: Iraq, the UAE, Egypt, Algeria. I also don't exclude Southeast Asia. Although, of course, the situation there is very difficult, because regional countries are caught between a "hammer and anvil" in the conditions of the Chinese-American rivalry is quite tough. Russia is playing a third party here, but the Americans will not let anyone down there. Perhaps one of our CSTO allies will want to buy one. And, of course, Iran, which since the end of last month can officially participate in military-technical cooperation with countries of the world, " Dmitry Stefanovich said.
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