

Логотип управление перспективных исследовательских проектов министерства обороны США DARPA

Полное наименование: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency — агентство передовых оборонных исследовательских проектов

Краткое наименование: DAPRA

Адрес: USA 3701 North Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22203

Тел.: +7 (703) 696-24-00

Факс: +7 (703) 528-36-55

e-mail: info@dapra.com

www: http://www.darpa.mil/


    Accelerated Insertion of Materials (D-3D)

    Accelerated Learning

    Accelerated Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals

    Advanced Structural Fiber

    Armor Challenge

    Basic Research on Ionospheric Characteristics and Effects

    Bioinspired Photonics

    Biomimetic Computing

    Blood Pharming

    Chemical Communications

    Chemical Robots

    Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System

    Compact Directional Neutron Source

    Crystalline Cellulose Conversion to Glucose (C3G)

    DARPA Titanium Initiative

    Deep Bleeder Acoustic Coagulation

    Disruptive Manufacturing Technologies

    Education Dominance

    Enabling Stress Resistance

    Engineered Bio-Molecular Nano-Devices/Systems

    Feedback Regulated Automated Molecular Release

    Focus Areas in Theoretical Mathematics

    Fracture Putty

    Fundamental Laws of Biology

    Guided BEC Interferometry

    H1N1 Acceleration (Blue Angel)

    Heterostructural Uncooled Magnetic Sensors

    Human-Assisted Neural Devices

    Hyperspectral Radiography Sources

    Instant Fire Suppression

    Integrated High Energy Dense Capacitors

    Long-Term Storage of Blood Products

    Materials with Novel Transport Properties

    Micro Power Sources

    Nano Air Vehicle

    Nano-Composite Optical Ceramics

    Nanostructured Materials for Power

    Negative Index Materials


    Neurotechnology for Intelligence Analysts

    Optical Arbitrary Waveform Generation

    Optical Lattice Emulator

    Physical Intelligence

    Plasma Sterilization of Wounds and Medical Devices


    Precision Inertial Navigation Systems

    Predicting Health and Disease

    Predicting Real Optimized Materials

    Preventing Violent Explosive Neurologic Trauma


    Programmable Matter

    Protein Design Processes

    Quantum Orbital Resonance Spectroscopy

    Rapid Altitude and Hypoxia Acclimatization

    Reactive Material Structures


    Restorative Encoding Memory Integration Neural Device

    Restorative Injury Repair

    Reorganization and Plasticity to Accelerate Injury Recovery

    Revolutionizing Prosthetics

    Robust Portable Power

    Sensor Topology for Minimal Planning

    Slowing, Storing and Processing Light

    Structural Amorphous Metals

    Surface Catalysis for Energy

    Surviving Blood Loss

    Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics

    Thermo-Tunneling Power Generation

    Topologically Controlled Lightweight Armor

    Topologically Ordered Armor

    Young Faculty Award

    Zeno-Based OptoElectronics

    Advanced Night Vision System (ANVS)

    Aero-Adaptive/Aero-Optic Beam Control (ABC)

    Blue Laser for Submarine Laser Communications (SLC) and Non-Acoustic Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)

    BioDemilitarization of Munitions (BDM)


    BioFuels - Alternative Feedstocks

    Center of Excellence for Research in Oceanographic Sciences (CEROS)

    Counter-Sniper (C-Sniper)

    Cyber Genome

    DARPA Interference Multiple Access (DIMA)

    Deep Sea Operations (DSOP)

    Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN)

    Dynamic Multi-Terabit Core Optical Networks: Architecture, Protocols, Control and Management (CORONET)

    Dynamic Image Gunsight Optic (DInGO)

    Dynamic Quarantine of Computer-Based Worm Attacks (DQW)

    Emissive Micro-Display (EMD)

    Fiber Laser Pulse Sources (FILPS)

    Gravity Anomaly for Tunnel Exposure (GATE)

    High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System (HELLADS)

    Hyperadsorptive Atmospheric Sampling Technology (HAST)

    Integrated Sensor Is Structure (ISIS)

    Large Area Coverage Optical Search-while-Track and Engage (LACOSTE)

    Manufacturable Gradient Index Optics (M-GRIN)

    Mobile Ad hoc Interoperability Network GATEway (MAINGATE)

    Mobile Network MIMO (MNM)

    Military Networking Protocol (MNP)

    Multifunction Electro-Optics for Defense of US Aircraft (MEDUSA)

    Multipath Exploitation Radar

    National Cyber Range (NCR)

    Non-Traditional Active Sonar (NTAS)

    Network Enabled by WDM Highly Integrated Photonics (NEW-HIP)

    Optical Rf Communications Adjunct (ORCA)

    Panoptic Analysis of Chemical Traces (PACT)

    Precision Electronic Warfare (PREW)

    Quantum Sensors Program (QSP)

    Renewable At-Sea Power (RASP)

    Remote Detection of Suspicious Vehicles (RDSV)

    River Eye

    Robust Surface Navigation (RSN)

    Scalable Network Monitoring (SNM)

    Seismic and Acoustic Vibration Imaging (SAVi)

    Semiconductor-Tuned High-Temperature Superconducting Filters for Ultra-Sensitive RF Receivers (SURF)

    Sferic-based Underground Geolocation

    Strategically Hardened Facility Defeat (SHFD)

    Structural Logic

    Super Resolution Vision System (SRVS)

    Submersible Aircraft


    Thermal Management System (TMS)

    Underwater Express

    Urban Photonic Sandtable Display (UPSD)

    Urban Ops Hopper

    UUV Power Technologies

    Very High Efficiency Solar Cell (VHESC)


    Wireless Network after Next (WNaN)

    Advanced Soldier Sensor Information System and Technology (ASSIST)

    Advanced Speech Encoding (ASE)

    Autonomous Real-time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance - Imaging System (ARGUS-IS)

    Autonomous Robotic Manipulation (ARM)

    Bootstrapped Learning (BL)

    Brood of Spectrum Supremacy (BOSS)

    Conflict Modeling, Planning, and Outcomes Experimentation (COMPOEX)

    Deep Green (DG)

    Deep Learning (DL)

    Flow-based Information Theory Tracking (FITT)

    FOPEN Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Tracking and Engagement Radar (FORESTER)

    Global Autonomous Language Exploitation (GALE)

    Heterogeneous Airborne Reconnaissance Team (HART)

    Information Theory for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (ITMANET)

    Integrated Crisis Early Warning System (ICEWS)

    Integrated Learning (IL)


    Machine Reading (MR)

    Multilingual Automatic Document Classification Analysis and Translation (MADCAT)

    Multispectral Adaptive Networked Tactical Imaging System (MANTIS)

    NetTrack (NT)

    Persistent Operational Surface Surveillance and Engagement (POSSE)

    Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL)

    Predictive Analysis for Naval Deployment Activities (PANDA)

    Quint Networking Technology (QNT)



    Situation Aware Protocols in Edge Network Technologies (SAPIENT)

    Spoken Language Communication and Translation System for Tactical Use (TRANSTAC)

    Standoff Precision ID in 3-D (SPI-3D)

    Tactical Aircraft to Increase Long Wave Infrared Nighttime Detection (TAILWIND)

    Urban Leader Tactical Response, Awareness & Visualization (ULTRA-Vis)

    Vehicle and Dismount Exploitation Radar (VADER)

    Video and Image Retrieval and Analysis Tool (VIRAT)

    3-D IC (3-D Integrated Circuits)

    3-D MERFS (3-D Micro Electromagnetic Radio Frequency Systems)

    A-to-I (Analog to Information)

    ADHELS (Architecture for Diode High Energy Laser Systems)

    ADR (Advanced Digital Receiver)

    AFPA (Adaptive Focal Plane Array)

    AMTP (Advanced Microsystems Technology Program)

    APPLE (Adaptive Photonic Phase-Locked Elements)

    APS (Advanced Photonic Switch)

    ASP (Analog Spectral Processors)

    AWLS (Adverse Weather Landing System)

    A-to-I (Analog to Information)

    ADHELS (Architecture for Diode High Energy Laser Systems)

    ADR (Advanced Digital Receiver)

    AFPA (Adaptive Focal Plane Array)

    AMTP (Advanced Microsystems Technology Program)

    APPLE (Adaptive Photonic Phase-Locked Elements)

    APS (Advanced Photonic Switch)

    ASP (Analog Spectral Processors)

    AWLS (Adverse Weather Landing System)

    Black Diamond

    C2OI (Chip-to-Chip Optical Interconnects)

    CAD-QT (Cognitively Augmented Design for Quantum Technology)

    CERA (Carbon Electronics for RF Applications)

    CHASER (Channelized SIGINT/ELINT Receiver for UAV Apps)

    COCHISE (Coherently-Combined High-Power Single-Mode Emitters)

    COSMOS (Compound Semiconductor Materials On Silicon)

    COUGAR (Compact Ultra-Stable Gyro for Absolute Reference)

    CSAC (Chip-Scale Atomic Clock)

    C2OI (Chip-to-Chip Optical Interconnects)

    CAD-QT (Cognitively Augmented Design for Quantum Technology)

    CERA (Carbon Electronics for RF Applications)

    CHASER (Channelized SIGINT/ELINT Receiver for UAV Apps)

    COCHISE (Coherently-Combined High-Power Single-Mode Emitters)

    COSMOS (Compound Semiconductor Materials On Silicon)

    COUGAR (Compact Ultra-Stable Gyro for Absolute Reference)

    CSAC (Chip-Scale Atomic Clock)

    DESA (Discovery and Exploitation of Structure in Algorithms)

    DECOIL (Discharge Excited Catalytic Oxygen Iodine Laser)

    DMT (Disruptive Manufacturing Technologies)

    DOD-N (Data in Optical Domain - Network)

    DUVAP (Deep Ultraviolet Avalanche Photodetectors)

    DESA (Discovery and Exploitation of Structure in Algorithms)

    DECOIL (Discharge Excited Catalytic Oxygen Iodine Laser)

    DMT (Disruptive Manufacturing Technologies)

    DOD-N (Data in Optical Domain - Network)

    DUVAP (Deep Ultraviolet Avalanche Photodetectors)

    EMIL (Efficient Mid-Wave Infrared Lasers)

    EMPiRe (Electro-Magnetic Pulse Tolerant Microwave Receiver Front-End)

    EPIC (Electronic & Photonic Integrated Circuits)

    EMIL (Efficient Mid-Wave Infrared Lasers)

    EMPiRe (Electro-Magnetic Pulse Tolerant Microwave Receiver Front-End)

    EPIC (Electronic & Photonic Integrated Circuits)

    FCRP (Focus Center Research Program)

    FLARE (Feedback Linearized Amplifier for RF Electronics)

    FCRP (Focus Center Research Program)

    FLARE (Feedback Linearized Amplifier for RF Electronics)

    HARDI (Hemispheric Array Detector for Imaging)

    HEALICs (Self-HEALing mixed-signal Integrated Circuits)

    HERMIT (Harsh Environment Robust Micromechanical Technology)

    HiFIVE (High Frequency Integrated Vacuum Electronics)

    HI-MEMS (Hybrid Insect Mems)

    HOTMWIR (High Operating Temperature Mid-Wave Infrared)

    HARDI (Hemispheric Array Detector for Imaging)

    HEALICs (Self-HEALing mixed-signal Integrated Circuits)

    HERMIT (Harsh Environment Robust Micromechanical Technology)

    HiFIVE (High Frequency Integrated Vacuum Electronics)

    HI-MEMS (Hybrid Insect Mems)

    HOTMWIR (High Operating Temperature Mid-Wave Infrared)

    iPhoD(integrated Photonic Delay)

    iPhoD(integrated Photonic Delay)

    L-PAS (Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy)

    LEAP (Leading Edge Access Program)

    L-PAS (Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy)

    LEAP (Leading Edge Access Program)

    MACE (Microtechnologies for Air-Cooled Exchangers)

    MCC (Micro Cryogenic Coolers)

    MEMS/NEMS S&T (MEMS/NEMS Science & Technology Fundamentals)

    MGA (Micro Gas Analyzers)

    MIATA (Microantenna Arrays: Technology and Applications)

    micro-PNT (Micro-Technology for Positioning, Navigation, & Timing)

    MINT (Micro Inertial Navigation Technology)

    MIPS (Micro Isotope Power Sources)

    MISI (Micro Imagers for Sensing)

    MONTAGE (Multiple Optical Non-redundant Aperture Generalized Sensors)

    MORPH (Supermolecular Photonics Engineering)

    MX (MEMS Exchange)

    MACE (Microtechnologies for Air-Cooled Exchangers)

    MCC (Micro Cryogenic Coolers)

    MEMS/NEMS S&T (MEMS/NEMS Science & Technology Fundamentals)

    MGA (Micro Gas Analyzers)

    MIATA (Microantenna Arrays: Technology and Applications)

    micro-PNT (Micro-Technology for Positioning, Navigation, & Timing)

    MINT (Micro Inertial Navigation Technology)

    MIPS (Micro Isotope Power Sources)

    MISI (Micro Imagers for Sensing)

    MONTAGE (Multiple Optical Non-redundant Aperture Generalized Sensors)

    MORPH (Supermolecular Photonics Engineering)

    MX (MEMS Exchange)

    NACHOS (Nanoscale Architecture for Coherent Hyper-Optic Sources)

    NANOWRITER (Maskless Nanowriter)

    NEMS(Nano Electro Mechanical Computers)

    NGIMG (Navigation Grade Integrated micro Gyroscopes)

    NLMMSM (Non-Linear Mathematics for Mixed Signal Microsystems)

    NTI (NanoThermal Interfaces )

    NACHOS (Nanoscale Architecture for Coherent Hyper-Optic Sources)

    NANOWRITER (Maskless Nanowriter)

    NEMS(Nano Electro Mechanical Computers)

    NGIMG (Navigation Grade Integrated micro Gyroscopes)

    NLMMSM (Non-Linear Mathematics for Mixed Signal Microsystems)

    NTI (NanoThermal Interfaces )

    ORCHID (Optical Radiation Cooling and Heating in Integrated Devices)

    ORCHID (Optical Radiation Cooling and Heating in Integrated Devices)

    PCAR (Photon Counting Arrays)

    PHASER (Photonic Analog Signal Processing Engine with Reconfigurability)

    PHOR-FRONT (Linear Photonic RF Front-End Technology)

    POPS (Parametric Optical Processes and Systems)

    PSTAR (Photonic-enabled Simultaneous Transmit and Receive)

    PT-SQUAD (Photon Trap Structures for Quantum Advanced Detectors)

    PCAR (Photon Counting Arrays)

    PHASER (Photonic Analog Signal Processing Engine with Reconfigurability)

    PHOR-FRONT (Linear Photonic RF Front-End Technology)

    POPS (Parametric Optical Processes and Systems)

    PSTAR (Photonic-enabled Simultaneous Transmit and Receive)

    PT-SQUAD (Photon Trap Structures for Quantum Advanced Detectors)

    QuEST (Quantum Entanglement Science and Technology)

    QuEST (Quantum Entanglement Science and Technology)

    RADER (Remoted Analog-to-Digital Converter with De-serialization and Reconstruction)

    RHBD (Radiation Hardening by Design)

    RIEDAR (Recognize IED and Report)

    RIFL (Revolution in Fiber Lasers)

    RADER (Remoted Analog-to-Digital Converter with De-serialization and Reconstruction)

    RHBD (Radiation Hardening by Design)

    RIEDAR (Recognize IED and Report)

    RIFL (Revolution in Fiber Lasers)

    SERS S&T Fundamentals


    SMART (Scalable Millimeter-Wave Architectures for Reconfigurable Transceivers)

    STAP Boy (Space Time Adaptive Processing)

    STT-RAM (Spin Torque Transfer-Random Access Memory)

    SERS S&T Fundamentals


    SMART (Scalable Millimeter-Wave Architectures for Reconfigurable Transceivers)

    STAP Boy (Space Time Adaptive Processing)

    STT-RAM (Spin Torque Transfer-Random Access Memory)

    TBN (Tip-Based Nanofabrication)

    TFAST (Technology for Frequency Agile Digitally Synthesized Transmitters)

    TGP (Thermal Ground Plane)

    THz (Terahertz Electronics)

    TROPHY (Transmit and Receive Optimized Photonics)

    TRUST (TRUST in Integrated Circuits)

    TBN (Tip-Based Nanofabrication)

    TFAST (Technology for Frequency Agile Digitally Synthesized Transmitters)

    TGP (Thermal Ground Plane)

    THz (Terahertz Electronics)

    TROPHY (Transmit and Receive Optimized Photonics)

    TRUST (TRUST in Integrated Circuits)

    UNIC (Ultraperformance Nanophotonic Intrachip Communications)

    UPR (University Photonics Research Centers)

    UNIC (Ultraperformance Nanophotonic Intrachip Communications)

    UPR (University Photonics Research Centers)

    WBGS-RF (Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Technology Thrust I)

    WBGS-HPE (Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Technology Thrust II)

    WBGS-RF (Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Technology Thrust I)

    WBGS-HPE (Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Technology Thrust II)

    YFA (Young Faculty Award)

    Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV)


    Disc Rotor Compound Helicoptor

    Extreme Accuracy Tactical Ordnance (EXACTO)

    Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle-2 (HTV-2)

    Fast Access Spacecraft Testbed (FAST)

    Front-end Robotic Enabling Near-term Demonstrations (FREND)

    Global Hawk Autonomous Aerial Refueling Demonstration (GHAARD)

    International Space Station SPHERES Integrated Research Experiments (InSPIRE)

    Legged Squad Support System (LS3)

    Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM)

    Mission Adaptive Rotor (MAR)

    Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition (MAHEM)


    Membrane Optical Imager for Real-Time Exploitation (MOIRE)

    Mode Transition Demonstration (MoTr)

    Persistent Close Air Support (PCAS)

    Space Surveillance Telescope (SST)


    System F6

    Tactical Expandable Maritime Platform (TEMP)

    Transformer (TX)

    Triple Target Terminator (T3)




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