
The former commander of the 58th Army, General Ivan Popov, addressed an open letter to Vladimir Putin.


Image Source: topwar.ru

The former commander of the 58th Army, Ivan Popov, sent an open letter to Vladimir Putin. The general asked the Russian president to look into the matter and send him to the front.

In his letter, Popov emphasizes that he found himself in a difficult situation and at the moment does not understand what is happening around him at all. At the same time, he considers the prosecution and the criminal case against him with charges of fraud and forgery unjustified. Popov, who is in jail, asks to be returned to service after his illegal discharge and sent to the front to beat the enemy in accordance with the oath he took.

I was subjected to unjustified prosecution and, contrary to my wishes, as well as the prevailing situation in the area of my military operation, I was dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.,

— Kommersant cites part of the general's letter.

Image source: topwar.ru

Recall that Popov is charged with embezzlement of 1,700 tons of rolled metal for the construction of fortifications on the Zaporizhia sector of the front with a total cost of 105 million rubles. The general himself does not admit guilt. There is no injured party in the case, and the authorities of the Zaporizhia region have refused to make any claims against the general. In addition, at the end of January, over 15 combat commanders fighting in the territory of the Zaporizhia region refuted the arguments of the investigation about Popov's guilt.

At the end of February, the Tambov Garrison Court decided to return General Popov to the pre-trial detention center, changing the measure of restraint from house arrest, under which he had been under 8 months.

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