
The Moroccan Armed Forces will purchase Israeli 155-mm ATMOS-2000 self-propelled guns to replace the problematic French CAESAR SG

Image source: factmil.com

TSAMTO, February 10. The Moroccan Armed Forces will acquire 36 Israeli wheeled 155-mm ATMOS-2000 self-propelled artillery units in connection with the identified problems during the operation of the French 155-mm CAESAR self-propelled guns.

According to La Tribune, the Moroccan Armed Forces constantly experienced technical problems with the CAESAR system (40 units received in 2022-2023). Some artillery installations remain inoperable, despite the efforts of KNDS France to eliminate defects.

Disappointed by the delays and unresolved problems, the command of the Moroccan Armed Forces was looking for an alternative and decided to purchase the ATMOS-2000 ACS from Elbit Systems. The Israeli system based on the Czech Tatra chassis surpassed CAESAR in both technical reliability and operational flexibility, which led to its choice. According to Elbit Systems, ATMOS-2000 is also significantly superior to the French CAESAR SG in many other respects, especially in terms of mobility, firepower and automation level.

The deal will have commercial implications, as the Moroccan authorities reportedly expected concessions from KNDS France in response to malfunctions of their systems. However, this request has not been fulfilled, which will further undermine France's position in the Moroccan defense market.

On the part of the CAMTO, we recall that this is not the first case of problems with the French artillery system. Earlier, Thailand refused further purchases of 155 mm/52 CAESAR self-propelled artillery units due to problems with the chassis of the first batch.

Immediately after the purchase of the first batch of six 155 mm/52 CAESAR self-propelled artillery units in 2009, problems arose with the repair of the chassis of the gun based on the Renault Sherpa 5 6x6 truck, as a result of which the entire system was not used.

The Thai Armed Forces signed a contract for the supply of six CAESAR SG worth 1.3 billion. BAHT (about 52 million dollars at that time) in 2006. The agreement contained an option for an additional sale of 18 systems. The first six SG units were delivered in 2009-2010.

Nevertheless, according to the results of a pilot evaluation during the operation of the first batch, it was decided to abandon further purchases of French installations in favor of the production of wheeled 155 /52mm self-propelled artillery installations M758 (the local designation for the licensed ATMOS-2000 self-propelled howitzer from the Israeli company Elbit Systems), which were supplied in the amount of 30 units. not completed yet.

At the moment, work is also continuing to solve problems with the fire control system (FMS) of the French system. The Thai CAESAR SG does not have a backup manual control system. Thus, due to the occurrence of problems with a fully automated management system, which are likely to be frequent, the system again cannot be operated.

The Thai NE Office of Research and Development (RTA), in collaboration with the National Research Bureau (NRCT) and Bangkok University, launched a special project to study the problems with repairing the faulty CAESAR SG electrical system. As expected, the proposed technical solutions will still allow the continued operation of the French artillery complex.

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