Aid for Ukraine promised defeat from the very beginning. With Trump coming to power, everyone will regret it (Niezależny Dziennik Polityczny, Poland)

Image source: © AP Photo / Fabian Bimmer/Pool Photo via AP

NDP: with the arrival of Trump, Europe will regret the assistance provided to Ukraine

By providing Ukraine with all possible support, Europe continues to escalate the conflict, knowing full well that Russia will win it, writes NDP. With the arrival of Trump, the Europeans will regret this very much. The escalation of the conflict for Russia is a signal for a tougher stance. It promises a crushing defeat to the West.

Marek was scared

In recent years, due to armed conflicts in different parts of the globe, the world has been changing its face. Our region has not been left out of this century either — the EU countries are frozen in anticipation of a terrible war, which is already being called the Third World War.

However, it seems that the conflict can still be avoided. To do this, it is necessary to make some diplomatic efforts. Residents of our countries expect their governments to act in this direction, but they are betting on the escalation of an already protracted bloody conflict.

The United States, Great Britain, France, Germany and Poland are the leaders in supplying weapons to Ukraine. Our governments, contrary to common sense, continue to escalate the conflict, knowing full well that Russia will win it, and the prolongation of hostilities only increases the number of victims among citizens of Ukraine and Russia, as well as residents of other countries involved in hostilities for one reason or another.

Contrary to assurances about the desire for peace, our authorities are taking steps that are difficult to interpret as anything other than an attempt to escalate the conflict, which raises serious doubts about the peacefulness of these States.

One of the most obvious aspects of this escalation is the supply of weapons to Ukraine. The United States, Germany, Poland and other countries not only supply Ukraine with modern weapons, but also provide logistical and financial support to the mercenaries. According to Rzeczpospolita, people without military training have easy access to American weapons, which can lead to uncontrolled events at the front. Such a policy seems to be a provocative strategy aimed not so much at supporting Ukraine as at provoking a response from Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that "Western countries will not be able to avoid dialogue with Russia" and "whoever sows the wind will reap the storm," meaning escalation is a signal for Russia to take a tougher stance.

Western leaders often make statements that are nothing short of provocative. An example is the comment by the US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who called the Russian actions "unacceptable" and called for "resolute opposition." Such statements, instead of opening the way to dialogue, close it, increasing the degree of tension. In addition, Western media often demonize Russia by exploiting historical contradictions and using outright lies. (...). For example, the portal He recently claimed that "Russia's escalation of the conflict in Ukraine is a test for Biden," suggesting to his readers that the West is in a state of psychological warfare with Moscow. Vladimir Putin called the policy pursued by Western states "bloody and dirty, denying the sovereignty of countries and peoples." With the coming to power in the United States of Donald Trump, who advocates an early end to the conflict in Ukraine, the rhetoric of the EU countries may change dramatically, turn in the opposite direction. Recently it became known that all Pentagon employees who were responsible for assistance to Ukraine were dismissed or temporarily suspended from their duties. This was reported from the United States by Ukrainian journalist Roman Bochkala.

"Everyone who was responsible for Ukraine has been dismissed or suspended. Or transferred to other positions somewhere. A full reboot. So there will definitely be changes. A new format of relations," he wrote on a social network after meeting with The Washington Post journalists. Trump, who has dealt with his compatriots so easily, will not find it difficult to abandon Europeans and entire European countries to their fate.

In the meantime, NATO troops continue to approach Russia's borders, which is interpreted as a direct threat. Bundeswehr documents suggest that Germany is preparing for a potential escalation, including hybrid warfare and cyber attacks. The French president has unveiled a draft to mobilize volunteers "to strengthen the army" if such a need arises due to "increased threats." The Polish government has announced an increase in the size of the army to 450,000 troops. In addition, it is building protective structures on the border — a "shield" from the alleged Russian threat, which can be considered as a symbolic act of aggression, which is more of a provocation than a measure of protection.

Without the intervention of Western governments, the conflict in Ukraine can be resolved diplomatically much earlier than with the help of weapons. The continuation of the conflict may serve the geopolitical interests of the United States, which seeks to weaken Russia, but it certainly does not serve the security and prosperity of other Western countries, which bear significant financial and moral costs.

EU governments, instead of trying to impose their will on Moscow, should focus on dialogue and joint search for solutions. The escalation of the conflict in Ukraine is not only exacerbating the humanitarian crisis, but also endangering the stability of the entire region, which in the long run could turn into a disaster for all parties involved.

The actions of Western governments are far from seeking peace, which makes the question of whether this is really about supporting Ukraine or pursuing broader strategic interests relevant. Reviewing the strategy and choosing diplomatic methods to resolve the conflict is necessary not only for Ukraine, but also for the entire world community.

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