
I was in flight for a day: the tests of the American stratospheric drone Phasa-35 are shown

Sections: Air, New development

Image source: topwar.ru

On December 19, the next stage of testing of the Phasa-35 stratospheric drone, which is formally classified as a HAPS ("high-altitude pseudo-satellite"), was completed. The solar-powered device has reached an altitude of more than 20 km. The flight in the stratosphere lasted 24 hours. The corresponding frames are shown online.

The drone then successfully landed at Spaceport America in New Mexico, USA, and was ready to embark on its next mission two days later.

Image source: topwar.ru

The wingspan of the Phasa-35 is 35 m (hence the designation), and it weighs 150 kg. According to the developer, the UAV will be able to stay in the stratosphere for up to 12 months. In daylight, its drive is powered by photovoltaic cells, which simultaneously charge the batteries used for power supply at night.

Phasa-35 is being created to perform reconnaissance missions. Its developer claims that in the near future, the UAV can be used operationally, that is, directly to solve military tasks.

Image source: topwar.ru

Phasa-35 was originally created by an initiative group of American engineers, who later founded the Prismatic company. In 2017, the Phasa-4 demonstrator was launched on a 1 to 4 scale. In 2019, the company was acquired by BAE Systems. On February 17, 2020, a full-size prototype took to the air. Since then, regular tests of the new product have been conducted. This time he spent a day in the stratosphere.

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