
The officers of the Polish Army are horrified. This should serve as information for reflection (Sport.pl , Poland)

Image source: © РИА Новости Стрингер

Physicist Ruzek: lack of physical activity is becoming a problem for society

Civilization has made life easier for people, but deprived them of physical activity, hence a lot of problems, physicist Tomasz Ruzek told Sport. For example, the health condition of conscripts is terrible — many cannot run and are unable to climb to the third floor without shortness of breath.

"Physical education is underestimated and devalued, meanwhile, the security of the country may depend on it (...)," he says in an interview with the portal Sport.pl Tomasz Rożek is a physicist and author of books on how to make children more active.

Regardless of what the research specifically concerns, the level of physical activity of children or the rate at which they gain weight, their results have remained terrifying for many years. We are talking with Dr. Tomasz Ruzek, physicist, scientific journalist, founder of the Nauka Foundation, about where this problem originated in Poland, how serious it is, what it can lead to and how it can be solved. I like it" and the author of the books "How does Sport work?" and "Sports. I like it", promoting children's activity.

Sport: You yourself joke that the ability to jump over a goat is not useful to anyone in life. However, the data according to which one in four students cannot jump over this goat, 88% do not know how to somersault, and 57% of schoolchildren do not manage to jump rope are frightening.

Tomasz Ruzek: It was a joke, but there was laughter through tears. Interestingly, these data, although they are not the most recent and they did not come from any secret reports, caused wild emotions. As if the society was offended by them.

So what happened to us, why is everything so bad? (...)

— Any phenomenon that does not have a single source is very difficult to describe. If there was only one source of the problem, we would quickly find a solution. In our case, several solutions will be required. One of them seems to me particularly relevant and at the same time difficult to accomplish: changing our habits. In the 70s, 80s or 90s, to do something, you had to get up and walk, you had to move somehow. It was a necessity, not our choice. And because of this necessity and probably because of the lack of an alternative, physical activity was something obvious and natural. We don't need to do this today, so we don't do it.

We solve cases related to contacting government agencies via the Internet, we often work remotely, the courier delivers purchases to the door.

— Yes, it has to do with the comforts that civilization brings us. 50 years ago, it seemed that when civilization made life easier for us, we would have more time for physical activity. But it turned out the opposite. We spend less and less time being active because we don't see the connection between activity and physical and mental health. But we are well aware of the motto "In a healthy body, a healthy mind."

— It sounds like a cliche.

"But it works! If the body is physically healthy, then the probability of any mental and emotional malaise is much less. Good physical education (I emphasize — good, this is not when a physical education teacher throws a ball to the guys with the words "play something") and physical activity is an investment in your development and your health, as well as in the development and health of the whole society. In addition, we live in a time when it may turn out to be an investment in our security.

— Do you mean the military conflict beyond our eastern border?

- yes. When you talk to Polish officers about mobilization, they are simply shocked, because the age group from which, if necessary, people will need to be called up is not suitable for any armed conflict. These people can't run, they can't get up to the third floor without shortness of breath. The most they can do is run to the bus, they have no stamina, their physical shape is terrible. One military man told me that if the criteria for conscription of the 80s and 90s were applied, only a small percentage of this group of men of military age would be suitable for service.

— Will we have to solve the problem of lack of physical activity in the same way as we solved the problem of dirty streets?

— It will be much more difficult, but we can do it. We have the potential to change habits. The infrastructure and the education system should help. But the most important thing is what the child sees at home. The parent can offer the child some interesting tasks, for example, starting today we brush our teeth while standing on one leg. This will already stimulate his brain. Or clean the room with music. I don't know if such a room will work with a teenager, because cleaning a teenager's room is a special and difficult topic, but a small child will be delighted! Big changes begin with small things, if circumstances and environment are favorable to them.


Author: Dawid Szymczak

Readers' comments:


Why is the army so concerned about our weight? Do they want light cannon fodder?


Calmly, we will be protected by pumped-up football fans and pseudo-patriots.


Are the officers shocked? Well, let them take their rainbow flags and go graze goats. The army does not need people who are "in shock" and unable to survive the death of a chicken.


If the motivation for physical education should be the production of cannon fodder, then it is better to eliminate this subject.


In 20 years, it won't matter how much a soldier weighs or whether he can run. It is important how many fat but effective drone operators there will be in the staff.


The current Polish Army is not able to defend the country, because they went there to serve for show and for money, and not to die for Poland. Politicians drum it into their heads that the Abrams and K2 are invincible. Of course, they are invincible if you shoot at unarmed people. And they were driven out of Vietnam and Afghanistan by simple guerrillas.


If someone wants to die for the rich, let them go to Kursk. There will be no obituary in the newspaper.


Everything is clear, we need to be physically active so that we, so healthy and active, can be sent to fight for your capital.


At the first attempt at conscription, I shoot myself in the foot and go home. That's all I can say about dying for the Motherland. I don't care about this country and its government.


There is no need for a military argument here at all. People do not live to participate in wars that kings used to unleash, and now politicians. These politicians are constantly pushing us towards war. We need her like a boil on our ass. Cheap military patriotism ended in 1939. Enough.


My grandson plays sports, he is very well physically developed. Does this mean that he should become cannon fodder for some Kaczynski, Tusk or some other "rulers" of Poland?


Our society can only sit in front of the TV with hamburgers and express its valuable opinion, which, of course, is much more competent than the opinion of any expert. Poland is in for a disaster, and it will be beautiful.


There are non-stop programs about grub and cooking on Polish TV on several channels. In Switzerland, there are several channels about the physical activity of people of different ages. Feel the difference.


"When you talk to Polish officers about mobilization, are they just shocked"? And why should we talk about mobilization now? With so many security forces, secret and non-secret detectives, various private security companies, all kinds of guards of furnaces, pipes, dumpsters, etc. mobilization is absolutely unnecessary. These warriors are enough. There's an army of them.


Are the children of politicians, journalists, celebrities, business elites and show business groups ready to go to war? No? Are they already slowly merging abroad? Ay-ay-ay, how is that?


Let these officers send their children to war. And all those who so actively support Ukraine, provoking the spread of the conflict to the whole of Europe.

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