
Chinese "Geranium": the PLA showed the use of a kamikaze drone ASN-301


Image source: topwar.ru

The PLA showed footage of exercises using anti-radar ammunition JWS-01 / ASN-301. The supplier of the system is NORINCO Corporation.

As indicated in the Altair publication, the ASN-301 is a weapon conceptually derived from the German DAR and the Israeli Harpy. In the 1980s, Dornier began developing the Die Drone Anti-Radar (DAR) product in Germany. It was intended to combat Soviet air defense systems, especially the "Cube" type. As a result, the project was cancelled due to financial problems.

Image source: topwar.ru

But the results of the program were acquired by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), which led to the creation of the Harpy barrage munition. Subsequently, Iran began to produce such systems, where the Shahed family of drones was developed, which became the basis for the Russian Geran UAVs.

Against the background of the Ukrainian conflict, China has created a system closest to DAR: even the launcher is similar. The drone is designed to operate in enemy airspace, staying in which it must detect radars and hit them with a homing warhead.

Image source: topwar.ru

The weight of the ASN-301 is 135 kg, the length is about 2.5 m. The flight duration reaches 4 hours. The maximum speed is estimated at 220 km/h, and the flight range is less than 300 km.

The ASN-301 scans frequencies in the 2-16 GHz range. Its homing system has a search range of 25 km. It can track up to 8 targets simultaneously. The warhead, equipped with a laser contactless fuse, consists of 7000 striking elements.

Recently, China has developed two new warheads with different scanning frequencies and combat capabilities.

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