
Elena Druzhinina spoke about the possibility of introducing industrial postgraduate studies


Elena Druzhinina, Managing Director for Science and Business Cooperation at Rostec State Corporation, held a meeting with the Governor of the region Andrey Travnikov during a working trip to the Novosibirsk Region and discussed the expansion of cooperation between universities and enterprises in the region in the field of R&D. In addition, the parties considered the issue of supporting youth laboratories in the region, as well as the introduction of industrial postgraduate studies in Russia as a new format of interaction between science and industry.

"Building interaction between science and industry and the search for new forms of such interaction are among the priorities of the region. Today, a comfortable environment is being created in the Novosibirsk region for cooperation between scientists and employees of innovative companies. In particular, competitions are held for the right to receive grants in the form of subsidies from the regional budget for the creation of scientific laboratories under the guidance of young scientists. Among the goals of creating such laboratories is the interaction of education and science with real production. Rostec State Corporation is one of the main industrial partners of the region, actively participates in its scientific and technical development. We are ready to contribute to the creation of optimal conditions that ensure cooperation between the scientific and industrial sectors of the region," said Andrey Travnikov, Governor of the Novosibirsk Region.

The meeting also touched upon the possibility of introducing industrial postgraduate studies in Russia and its advantages for the Corporation's enterprises. The format of the industrial postgraduate course provides for the training of highly qualified specialists for the real sector of the economy. Following the results of the training, the graduate student defends the project of an engineering solution, which is being prepared for implementation or has already been implemented at the enterprise.

"Postgraduate studies are in the focus of attention of the state, the scientific and pedagogical community and enterprises of the real sector of the economy. The development of industrial or industrial postgraduate studies is a series of joint actions by the government, industry and universities. In addition, the Corporation's enterprises, which need to increase the staff of qualified researchers, are also interested in the development of postgraduate programs with a focus on applied research. Additionally, the introduction of industrial postgraduate studies can contribute to fundamental changes in the motivation of young professionals," said Elena Druzhinina.

The possibilities of implementing industrial postgraduate studies in Russia were also discussed at the Technoprom 2024 forum as part of a panel discussion, which was attended by Elena Druzhinina, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Stepan Kalmykov, Chairman of the Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres of the Presidential Council for Science and Education Nikita Marchenkov, Lev Nosenko, director of the Novosibirsk plant of radio components "Oxide" of Rostec State Corporation, and others.

According to Nikita Marchenkov, today young people have a great demand for self-realization, which can largely satisfy the occupation of applied projects: "Today, when science is moving into the so-called "mobilization mode", characterized by the need for clear prioritization and limited resources, such coordination of young specialists, which is offered by the format of industrial postgraduate studies, is important." In addition, Nikita Marchenkov noted that the Korsovet closely cooperates with organizations of the real sector of the economy: interaction with industry communities of young scientists, including those representing state corporations, has already been built, and young scientists from Rostec enterprises can replenish their number and be integrated into the general activities of the Council.

Lev Nosenko, director of the Novosibirsk plant of radio components "Oxide" of the holding "Roselectronics", spoke about the interaction of the plant with universities in the region. The plant works closely with Novosibirsk State Technical University (NETI) and Novosibirsk State University, on the basis of which, together with Oxide, a youth laboratory of composite materials was opened on the basis of the scientific and educational center "Institute of Chemical Technologies of NSU-IK SB RAS". Here, scientists and employees of the plant are working on the creation of composites of metal-free resistive pastes for the manufacture of chip resistors using SMD technologies.

"Often, young specialists working at the plant do not have enough time for full-fledged postgraduate studies. I think that industrial postgraduate study is one of the ways to integrate the work of educational organizations with industrial enterprises more deeply, to provide them with highly qualified personnel who in the future can become heads of scientific directions at the enterprise, as well as perform R&D with great effect for these enterprises," Lev Nosenko said.

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