
Rostec will present the Russian high-capacity gas turbine GTD-110M in China for the first time

Image source: Объединенная двигателестроительная корпорация

Rostec State Corporation will present advanced achievements in the field of aircraft and engine building, medical equipment and pharmaceuticals during the VIII Russian-Chinese EXPO in Harbin. The central place in the exhibition will be occupied by a mock-up of the first domestic high-power gas turbine GTD-110M. The unit will be demonstrated in China for the first time.

The development and production of equipment for companies in the fuel and energy complex is one of the most important activities of Rostec. The turbine GTD-110M produced by the United Engine Corporation has an efficiency of more than 36%, which is comparable to the world's best gas turbine engines. The first serial unit was delivered to the Udarnaya thermal power plant in the Krasnodar Territory, where, after completion of commissioning, it will solve the problems of energy supply in the south of Russia.

This year, the Russian unified gas pumping unit of the new generation UGPA-16(25) will be presented in China, in which several types of engines with a capacity of 16 or 25 MW can be used. This makes it possible to reduce the costs of designing and building gas transportation infrastructure facilities, and ensure the interchangeability of nodes and systems.

"China is Russia's strategic partner today. Rostec is interested in expanding its presence in the local market, strengthening business contacts and diversifying cooperation with Chinese colleagues. This year, at the Russian-Chinese EXPO, the State Corporation's enterprises demonstrate a wide range of products — from vaccines to innovative gas turbine equipment. Among them, the first domestic high-power gas turbine GTD-110M is presented. According to its technical and economic indicators, the unit is not inferior to foreign analogues, while the Russian turbine is much more compact and lighter than odnoklassniki produced by other foreign companies," said Viktor Kladov, Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy at Rostec State Corporation.

At the stand of the joint Rostec exposition, EXPO participants and guests will also be able to get acquainted with models of Russian aviation flagships - MS-21, SJ-100, Il-76MD-90A heavy transport aircraft, as well as Ka-226T and Ka-32A11BC multi-purpose helicopters.

The enterprises of the State Corporation will present the most modern Russian medical equipment. Shvabe Holding will show a mobile incubator for the gentle transportation of newborns BONNY. The children's module allows you to transport young patients in ambulances or on board a sanitation facility, protecting them from cold, vibration and noise. At the same time, constant monitoring of vital signs is ensured using a sensor system. Another product of the holding is the Biliflex system for fast and effective reduction of bilirubin levels in the blood of newborns. Uniform light emission covers the maximum area of the body, while eliminating the risk of overheating, dehydration, skin and eye damage.

Natsibio Holding will present 12 medicines. For the first time in China, the latest Russian specific immunoglobulin for the prevention of hepatitis B in adults and children "Antigep-Neo" will be presented. It was registered in Russia in October 2023. The drug is administered intravenously, which ensures its high therapeutic effectiveness.

Russian flu vaccines will be available at the stand. Ultrix Quadri is the first domestic quadrivalent vaccine for the prevention of influenza that meets all WHO recommendations on the composition and quantity of each strain of the influenza virus. Sovigripp is a trivalent domestic vaccine. The composition of both drugs is updated annually in strict accordance with WHO recommendations on the expected strains of the virus.

In turn, KRET Concern will demonstrate to the participants and guests of the EXPO the diathera device, which allows measuring intraocular pressure through the upper eyelid without direct contact with the eye. It will also be possible to see the AMTO-02 magnetic therapy device for the treatment of various eye diseases using a specially selected low-frequency magnetic field.

The TIOKRAFT air purification and disinfection device will be presented at the KRET exposition. His work is based on an innovative technology that combines mechanical and biological purification. The device provides complete inactivation of bacteria, viruses and mold spores, removes phenols, formaldehydes and other harmful substances.

The VIII Russian-Chinese EXPO will be held in Harbin from May 17 to 21. This year, nine leading holdings of the State Corporation – UEC, UAC, Russian Helicopters, Natsibio, Shvabe, KRET, Roselektronika, RT-Techpriemka, Kaliningrad Amber Combine - will present their products at the exhibition. The event is organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province.

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