
Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the development of the defense industry

Image source: © РИА Новости / POOL

TSAMTO, May 15th. On May 15, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting in the Kremlin on the development of the military-industrial complex. Below is the introductory word in.Putin is quoted in the statement of the Kremlin's press service.

Vladimir Putin: "Good afternoon!

Dear colleagues, I have asked you to gather in order to discuss a number of key issues of the day.

As you know, the formation of the Government of the Russian Federation has just ended. Together, we need to ensure the needs of the Russian Armed Forces for effective work in the zone of combat contact as part of a special military operation.

At the same time, without any exaggeration, more needs to be done – a lot has been done – more needs to be done for the development of defense industries, but despite the fact that these enterprises continue to work on diversification. Without any exaggeration, we must be ready at any moment for the fact that these enterprises, they have already done a lot, achieved a lot in accordance with our plans, they must take additional steps in this direction, they must be ready to switch even more to the production of civilian products.

We are also well aware of the plans to achieve national development goals. These plans are not being reduced even in connection with a special military operation. We have many tasks here, including in the social sphere.

And now I will say a very important thing: we must do all this while unconditionally observing the principles of a healthy economy and observing macroeconomic principles. This is an extremely important thing. In no case should we allow any distortions in the economy and industry.

To solve these problems, well-known personnel changes have also been made. Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu knows the needs of the Armed Forces like no one else. From the position of Secretary of the Security Council, he will also work within the framework of the Military-Industrial Complex Commission, will work with our foreign partners to fulfill our contractual obligations to supply weapons to our partners in foreign countries, and in general, I hope, he will contribute to the coordination of the work of law enforcement agencies.

It is for this purpose that Denis Valentinovich Manturov, who is engaged in industry, was appointed to the post of First Deputy Prime Minister. This was done in order to show the importance of the direction that he has been engaged in over the past years and is currently engaged in.

We must concentrate financial and administrative resources to achieve the objectives that I have already mentioned. At the same time, it should be done wisely and diligently. Those funds, and they are considerable, which are allocated for the development of the military organization of the state, should be used in the most effective way.

I have just said that Denis Valentinovich has been appointed first deputy. The current Minister of Defense left this position, it was Andrei Ramovich who was the first deputy. You know, this is not a formal matter, but I hope that from the position of the Minister of Defense he will keep in mind what he has been doing all his life – economics. It is very important.

And it is important for me, for all of us, that you continue the work that was started by Sergei Kuzhugetovich. What do I mean by that? We need to open up the Ministry of Defense as much as possible. Bearing in mind the specifics of the Ministry of Defense, however, to open up the Ministry of Defense to the maximum in order to absorb all the best, all the most modern, everything that can and should be used for successful work on the field with our guys, our fighters, our heroes of a special military operation.

We know that the more effective the means of destruction, the more accurate they are, the more powerful they are, the fewer losses we have, and this is a key issue in conducting an armed struggle. For us anyway. I really hope that all this will be used.

We have already said this many times: whoever learns the latest means of armed struggle faster wins. We have to be one step ahead. We have everything for this, and a lot has been done for this in recent years. We need to double and triple our efforts in this area.

The new Minister of Industrial Development and Industry is also not a novice in this field. Anton Andreevich, you worked in the Ministry of Industry before. Now, bearing in mind your developments in the territory, you understand what is being done and how in the territories and what is needed to make the work even more successful. I hope you will apply all these skills and knowledge here in order to act successfully.

The same applies to Alexey Gennadievich Dyumin. He has been appointed Assistant to the President. One of the most important areas that he will be engaged in will be precisely providing assistance to the Government and our companies, including Rostec, in solving the tasks that they face in terms of providing our Armed Forces with the necessary means of armed struggle.

I will not talk about Dmitry Anatolyevich, he is a former Prime Minister and President, so one way or another, you know about this, and by a separate order, and by virtue of his official position, he is currently engaged in all the work that was just mentioned above.

I really hope that everything that has been done, all these personnel movements, should not be formal. I repeat, we must make maximum use of all our administrative resources to ensure the main task – the successful work of our combat units on the line of contact within the framework of a special military operation. The guys are fighting, fighting well, successfully, improving their position all along the front line, this happens every day. We must do everything in our power to ensure that they have everything they need to further solve the tasks they face.

Let's talk about all this now. That's why I asked you to get ready."


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