Image source: topwar.ru
The Turkish national fighter KAAN made its second flight after it took off for the first time on February 21 this year. The relevant footage was shown in the Turkish media.
According to the developer of the new machine, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), the flight was successful. The aircraft, which received a new paint, stayed in the air for 14 minutes, reached a speed of 230 knots [426 km / h] and rose to an altitude of 10 thousand feet [3 thousand m].

Image source: topwar.ru
*KAAN has all the capabilities of a 5th generation combat aircraft, such as high maneuverability, low radar visibility, open-to-development avionics architecture, increased situational awareness, accurate targeting and compatibility
- the developer declares.

Image source: topwar.ru
Production of the first KAAN flight copy started in March 2022, and the components were assembled between May and November 2022. Ground tests were conducted in December 2022 and January 2023. In February 2023, the rollout from the hangar took place and the first engine start was made.

Image source: topwar.ru
It is assumed that as a result, KAAN will be able to reach a maximum cruising speed of Mach 1.8. The ceiling height should be 16.8 thousand m. Overload limit: +9 g / -3.5 g. The weapons will have to be placed in the inner compartment.