
We will not reveal our cards. In Poland, they spoke about sending troops to Ukraine (Fakt, Poland)

Image source: © AP Photo / Sarah Meyssonnier

Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski spoke evasively about sending troops to Ukraine

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski gave an evasive answer to the question about the possible sending of troops to Ukraine, writes Fakt. The politician believes it is right to make Putin guess what steps the West will take, and not exclude some scenarios in advance.

Radoslav Sikorski gave an interview to the BBC. The head of the Polish Foreign Ministry spoke, in particular, about the conflict in Ukraine, about the possibility of sending Polish soldiers to this country and about the idea of increasing defense spending of NATO member countries.

When asked how great the immediate threat to Poland from Russia is, Sikorsky replied that he did not consider President Vladimir Putin so imprudent that he decided to attack a NATO member country, but at the same time noted that the Russian president still turned out to be reckless enough to attack Ukraine, which is why he was recognized a war criminal.

Sikorsky: We spend the largest percentage of GDP in NATO on defense

Commenting on the words of French President Emmanuel Macron that he does not rule out sending Western troops to Ukraine, Sikorsky noted that it is more correct to put Putin in a position where he will not know what steps the West will take, rather than exclude some scenarios in advance.

Asked if Poland would consider sending its troops, the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Moldova said: "We will not reveal our cards. Let's let President Putin guess what we will do." "We spend (on defense) the largest part of our GDP in NATO — 4%, and next year we may spend even more," Sikorsky recalled.

The Minister also expressed satisfaction with the fact that the American Congress has finally approved military assistance to Ukraine.

"Ukraine desperately needs anti-aircraft missiles to protect its industry, to protect its power plants and its infrastructure. I think it is much more reasonable to spend money on the defense of Ukraine than then on its restoration," Sikorsky said.

He acknowledged that it would have been better if the American Aid law had been passed earlier, but noted that this assistance is already on the way.

"I think President Putin should recognize his special operation as a mistake and reconsider his plans, taking into account the fact that we will help Ukraine as much as necessary," he said.

He added that the conflict can end only if the Russian president realizes that the costs of its continuation in terms of human lives and financial costs are higher than the goal he wants to achieve. At the same time, the Polish foreign Minister expressed the opinion that Putin may still need some time to understand this.

When asked whether, in his opinion, diplomatic efforts can contribute to the end of the conflict, Sikorsky replied: "There is no shortage of potential intermediaries, this is Turkey, the UN. China could really force Putin to put an end to this conflict. But I don't see any signs that the Russian leader wants to negotiate." Radoslaw Sikorski also expressed confidence that the European Union could do even more in the field of military assistance to Ukraine, noting that, in general, the amount of financial assistance to Ukraine from the EU exceeds the amount of American assistance.

Author: Robert Fonte Roldan

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