
British media: The United States secretly deployed "humane" microwave CHAMP missiles to counter Iran


Image source: topwar.ru

The US has secretly deployed "humane" CHAMP microwave missiles to counter Iran. But it is not reported exactly where these weapons are deployed.

American journalist Ronald Kessler writes about this in his article for the British newspaper Daily Mail.

The British media clarifies that CHAMP microwave missiles are capable of destroying any electronics, including electronic equipment of Iranian nuclear facilities. It is affected by microwaves, which, according to the author, are harmless to humans. Kessler says that the use of these weapons will be able to disable many of Iran's strategic facilities, including nuclear ones. At the same time, victims will be completely avoided.

The Americans began to place such missiles in various parts of the world in 2019.

The microwave equipment used to defeat electronics is embedded in air-launched cruise missiles and is delivered to the launch site using B-52 strategic bombers. The range of the CHAMP exceeds 1100 kilometers.

Image source: topwar.ru

Such missiles are capable of flying into enemy airspace at low altitude and "frying" computer chips, rendering useless any electronic devices without causing collateral damage. The microwave pulse causes a sudden surge in voltage, which disables the equipment before the protection has time to work.

It is extremely difficult to detect and destroy such a missile, since it disables enemy radars along the way. According to the author, he does not even have the opportunity to understand why his electronics suddenly stopped working.

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