
German EMU electric torpedoes are seen on the APU equipment


Image source: topwar.ru

In October 2023, the German authorities announced their intention to transfer 50 electric motorcycles (electromopeds) of the EMU model with a total cost of € 20 million for Ukrainian special forces to equip the Armed Forces of Ukraine as part of military assistance.

As indicated in the publication World Defense News, they were recently seen in service with the Vostok Special Operations Center and are used to conduct covert missions in difficult terrain.

The EMU bike manufactured by the German company ACS is equipped with an electric motor that provides almost silent movement, which is extremely important for stealthy movement.

With a range of 60 km, these bicycles increase the mobility of Ukrainian troops without the need for frequent recharging. It takes a few seconds to replace the batteries

- the publication says.

Image source: topwar.ru

When using bikes, it is possible to completely turn off the light radiation, which increases the secrecy of the course during night operations.

As noted, "the use of motorcycles at the front is also practiced by Russians." The use of this technique makes it possible to move around, despite the erosion of the soil, which prevents the movement of heavy vehicles.

Image source: topwar.ru

For our part, we note that some Russian units use motorcycles to carry out lightning raids on the enemy, in particular, when capturing enemy positions on the front line.

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