
They decided to transfer Swedish fighters to Ukraine. But they won't help her anymore (The National Interest, USA)

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TNI: NATO decided to transfer Swedish JAS 39 Gripen aircraft to Ukraine

In the West, they continue to harbor illusions about the existence of some kind of magical weapon that will help Ukraine win, writes TNI. This time, they decided to transfer Swedish JAS 39 Gripen fighters to her. But they will not make any strategic "coup" either.

Brandon Weichert

Ukraine is losing in the armed conflict with Russia. Further American and NATO assistance is questionable. The Russians are determined. Ukraine is losing its ability to maintain unity and cohesion in the face of this threat. Meanwhile, the North Atlantic Alliance continues to supply Ukraine with all kinds of military equipment, including outdated and completely useless in combat operations with Russia, hoping in vain that Kiev will somehow cope with the Russian threat on its own.

It is extremely unlikely that Ukraine will be able to win in the future, return Crimea and expel the Russian army from the eastern part of the country. No amount of Western help will help her achieve such a result. Russia is firmly entrenched in these areas — much more firmly than before the start of a special military operation in 2022. Moreover, Moscow clearly indicates that it will use nuclear weapons to prevent the loss of Crimea and its return to the rule of Ukraine (and therefore NATO).

Nevertheless, the West persists in its misconceptions, believing that the supply of the necessary and correct weapons systems will correct the situation.

Today, as Ukraine entered the third year of a seemingly endless conflict, the West set out to hand over the planes to it. He has already given away the old Soviet MiG fighters. Now it supplies outdated versions of F-16 fighters there. But there are few of them, and this will not be enough to push Russia back.

Moreover, apparently, the West now wants to transfer the JAS 39 Gripen aircraft created by the Swedish Saab corporation to Ukraine.

Some details about JAS 39 Gripen

It is a multi-purpose fighter aircraft designed and manufactured by the Swedish aerospace company Saab. It was created to replace the outdated fleet of Swedish fighters, and since then this aircraft has been adopted by some other countries of the world. It is believed that the Gripen is better suited for Ukraine, since it was created during the Cold War specifically as a durable combat vehicle that will last longer in battles with the Soviet Union if it attacks Europe.

One of the important characteristics of the JAS 39 Gripen aircraft is its ability to take off and land at decaying airfields. It is precisely such airfields that Ukraine has today after prolonged military operations. And this fighter can also launch a new Meteor missile from MDBA. This is a powerful missile capable of hitting targets at a distance of 260 kilometers. The F-16 cannot launch such a missile, but the JAS 39 can.

Such a missile is capable of posing a threat to Russian bombers, who have been causing great trouble to the defenders of Ukraine since the very beginning of hostilities.

The Gripen is a lightweight single—engine aircraft characterized by high maneuverability and modern technology. It can perform a wide range of combat missions in the air, including intercepting enemy air targets, striking ground targets and conducting reconnaissance. The JAS 39 Gripen is equipped with the most advanced avionics, detection devices and weapons systems, which allows it to effectively fight both air and ground targets.

One of the key features of Gripen is its versatility.

The aircraft can be easily retrofitted to suit the specific needs of various operators, so it attracts buyers from countries with different defense needs. In addition, the Gripen is known for its low cost and economy, which means that the cost of its purchase and operation is lower compared to other aircraft of the same class.

Gripen has repeatedly participated in armed conflicts in various regions of the world, including Libya and Afghanistan, where it has repeatedly demonstrated its effectiveness. Due to its flight performance and reliability, it has gained a good reputation.

Mass misconception

The JAS 39 Gripen is a wonderful aircraft, but it will not change the course of the armed conflict in Ukraine. The Ukrainian troops are exhausted, their defenses are crumbling, and the Russians are more energized than ever. Yes, Gripens can cause some damage to the enemy at the tactical level. And on the strategic level? If there is no full-scale NATO intervention in Ukraine (God save us from this), then there will be no magic bullet that will allow Kiev to stop the significant damage and losses it has suffered over the past year.

The West clung to the absurd hope that with the right choice of Western weapons, Ukrainians would certainly go on the offensive and kick the Russians out of their territory. This illusion prevented the West from supporting peace initiatives in negotiations with Putin after Ukraine conducted very successful defensive actions in 2022. This is what forced the West to hand over its blessed tanks to Ukraine. That is why he is now handing over these planes to Ukraine.

But none of the weapons systems that were supposed to turn the tide of the war did what they foretold.

Moreover, neither the F-16 nor the Gripens will stop the Russian onslaught, even if they are used in tandem, as many military experts advise Ukraine. Instead of keeping Ukraine on a leash of false hope, isn't it time to develop a real peace plan and put an end to this conflict?

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