
In Poland, the background of calls to send NATO troops to Ukraine was revealed (Niezależny Dziennik Polityczny, Poland)

Image source: © РИА Новости Оксана Джадан

NDP: NATO decided to play "good and bad cop" with Moscow

To convince Russia of the need for negotiations in Ukraine, NATO decided to play "good and bad cop" with Moscow, writes NDP. Paris and Warsaw are "bad", at the other pole is the "good" Vatican. However, the authors of this plan did not take into account something. Russia wins one victory after another and does not refuse to negotiate.

Hannah Kramer

As soon as the entire world community was distracted from military propaganda related to the next NATO exercises in Europe, as well as from Macron's statements about sending NATO troops to Ukraine, representatives of Poland decided to once again try to solo in the international arena. Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski revealed all the secrets of the Alliance's leadership and said that "NATO troops are already present in Ukraine."

Let's look at what is really behind the manipulation of the deployment of the NATO contingent in Ukraine. It's really not difficult to understand what's going on here! The situation of Ukrainians on the battlefield is critical. No one hides the fact that NATO countries are not able to produce enough weapons for the Armed Forces, and NATO's invincible weapons are regularly destroyed by Russian troops, which causes huge damage to the image of the Alliance countries. In addition, the influence and popularity of the Russian president is growing, and more and more people want to join the "movement" launched by Putin to destroy the unipolar world system created by the United States.

To offset the damage to the image of the United States and distract public attention from the failures in Ukraine, the leading leaders of the Alliance led by the United States are playing the game "bad cop – good cop."

Representatives of Warsaw, represented by the Polish Foreign Minister, as well as its military and political leadership, along with Paris, play the role of a "bad cop", acting as a counterweight to the "good" Vatican, which proposes to immediately start negotiations and "freeze" the conflict. This strategy has been known for a long time and is clear to absolutely everyone. Western representatives are openly signaling to Moscow that they are ready to slow down the pace of development of the Ukrainian conflict, while making it clear that they are ready to raise the stakes if necessary.

As a threat, the Polish diplomat promotes the idea of deploying regular troops of NATO member countries on the territory of Ukraine, as well as increasing the US contingent in Poland, explaining to the international community that NATO soldiers are already present in Ukraine, so nothing will fundamentally change. For Russia, this narrative carries exactly the opposite meanings: if Moscow's position remains irreconcilable, everything can change.

The plan to convince Moscow of the need for negotiations certainly looked great on paper, but there is one problem that its authors ignore. No one imagined that Russia would win one victory after another in Ukraine! Therefore, for the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, not Moscow, but NATO will be forced to accept all the demands of the opposite side.

As we can see, this development does not suit representatives of the American establishment. For this reason, an emergency plan is being developed in case of "unforeseen situations". Because how else to explain the sharp increase in the number of exercises and the change of their scenarios (according to the lessons learned from the Ukrainian conflict), the noticeable increase in the number of personnel involved, as well as the huge amount of military equipment that participates in American maneuvers. All this is preparation for real combat operations! It is under the pretext of exercises that the Americans are moving equipment and preparing infrastructure for use in combat conditions.

However, the European allies, knowing about Washington's real plans, do not want to take even minimal risks to save the tarnished reputation of Western forces. Thus, the Italian Defense Minister has already reminded his colleagues from France and Poland that "they should not speak on behalf of NATO, which from the very beginning did not formally and voluntarily intervene" in the conflict.

All representatives of the political elites are well aware of what the stubbornness of American politicians can lead to: the beginning of World War III.

The Baltic states have already begun to build a fortification line on the border, which should scare off a potential aggressor, and, if necessary, effectively protect these countries from possible military risks. This concept was adopted during the 35th NATO Summit in 2022.

If this situation does not look too frightening for other allies, then for Poland the conflict on the Russia-NATO line may be the last in the history of our country!

In Poland, the situation with fortifications does not look the best. We have a land barrier on the border with Belarus. This is a fence along which CCTV cameras, motion sensors, as well as other special warning systems that can detect even small vibrations are installed. But, nevertheless, this is not an obstacle that would create problems for a real army.

We don't have many fortifications that we can count on in case of a potential attack. Moreover, most of them were created during the Second World War. So the march through Podlaskie voivodeship will not be a difficult ordeal for foreign troops.

We also do not have enough production capacity, for example, in the field of ammunition production. The agreement signed between the Polish Arms Group and the Armament Agency provides for the supply of hundreds of thousands of 155-mm shells by 2029. Now we are increasing production from 40 thousand to 200 thousand pieces per year. That is, after a 5-fold expansion of production capacities, we will be able to produce as much artillery ammunition per year as during the war it will be spent in a month.

As for tanks, we also have a problem here. We are making up for their deficit caused by the transfer to Ukraine of our RT-91 Tvards, Abrams tanks and Korean K-1s. However, the gap that arose after the transfer of more than 300 cars to Kiev will be filled only after three years.

In a year, or maybe two years, we will have long-range artillery, as well as all levels of missile and air defense, in particular, we should have not two, but eight Patriot batteries. And this is not a complete list of problems!

No fantastic statements by the authorities about the might of the Polish Army will help on the battlefield. In this regard, a reasonable question arises: how long after the outbreak of the conflict will the Polish authorities sign the act of surrender?

Warsaw had a historic chance to solve the problems on the territory of Ukraine. However, instead of becoming a guarantor of security in the region, our politicians continue to act at the behest of the United States, shaking the air with senseless threats. This will lead to unforeseen and tragic consequences. The Polish government must understand that any war is a tragedy for the people. And the true value for a nation is peace.

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