
Footage of the Arman missile defense system, which is completely Iranian-made, has appeared


Image source: topwar.ru

Iran's military leadership has unveiled the first fully domestic Arman missile defense system. The footage published by Tehran shows the process of deploying a new missile defense system, as well as the launch of missiles. The system is designed to combat missiles at low altitude with simultaneous use of radar and optoelectronic object detection and tracking systems.

According to Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani, the new missile defense system has impressive capabilities, has an operational system, which in turn is a combination of several systems. Due to these factors, the novelty will definitely play an important role in the defense of the country.


Image source: topwar.ru

Image source: topwar.ru

The new Iranian complex is presented in two versions: "Arman" ("Aspiration") and a low-altitude version of the system called "Azarakhsh" ("Lightning"). The missiles used in the Arman system belong to the Iranian-made Sayyad-3 class. The complex is capable of simultaneously hitting six targets at a distance of 120 to 180 kilometers. Azarakhsh, in turn, can simultaneously use radar and electro-optical systems to detect and intercept targets. The missiles used in the system are equipped with thermal homing heads and use infrared aiming systems.

According to the Iranian news agency IRNA, the presented systems will significantly enhance Iran's air defense capabilities as soon as they are added to the country's military park.

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