
The new "boomerang-like" BTR-22 can receive a rocket-cannon "Ballista"


Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"

When creating the new Russian armored personnel carrier, which is called the BTR-22 in the media, the experience gained during the design and testing of the promising Boomerang family was undoubtedly taken into account. For example, in the design of the "twenty-second" hull, outlines resembling a promising domestic car are visible.

Recall that the main difference from the already familiar BTR-82A is the transfer of the engine to the front and enhanced booking, including increased protection of the bottom.

It was reported that the use of a new uninhabited combat compartment "Ballista" was not excluded. In addition to the 30 mm cannon and machine gun, it has a complex of guided missile weapons that allows you to destroy enemy tanks, light and wheeled armored vehicles of various types.

In its current form, the BTR-22 is not floating, but, as noted, an option capable of swimming through water obstacles may appear soon.

Lev Romanov

Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"

Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"

Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"

Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"

Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"

Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"

Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"

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