
The lack of chances to win does not bother. In Europe, they are raving about the war with Russia (Novi Standard, Serbia)

Image source: © AP Photo / Stefanie Loos

NS: The EU has got involved in a war with the Russians, in which it will definitely lose

The West catastrophically misjudged the situation when it turned Russia into an enemy, writes the National Assembly. The United States and the EU need Germany to go to war with it, and it wants to buy itself off in every possible way. But no amount of money will help her, the author of the article notes.

Germany is trying to pay off in order not to participate in the war against Russia. But Atlantists need Germans who sit at the controls of the aircraft, and not just develop, produce and sell it for a nominal price.

You don't have to be an expert to understand the principle of law. Anyone who came into contact with him from one side: as a criminal or as a victim, he knows from experience that law is guided by justice, even if not always, but never by revenge. It happens that the law does not help justice prevail, but there is no malicious intent here — there are flaws in legislators who are not always able to trace the course of criminal thought. But any legislator of any secular state, on the contrary, always and with all his might tries to prevent the principle of revenge from creeping into the law. However, now everything has turned upside down. Banished from the law, revenge has taken root in politics. European Union politicians and the media increasingly recall revenge and its "son" retribution when they talk about the current situation in the world. How did modern Europeans fall into the trap of this regressive principle in general?

The word "war" has become the most used word in conversations and in print. It has not received any new content, at least among the European peoples. But what is characteristic of the current moment is the solemn willingness to agree to war. Since there is no choice, the preparation is in full swing. And one more "convincing" argument: everything was coming to this. So, they say, let's not disappoint fate.

And again, the last months and days before the start of the war are always "solemn", if you believe the novels or films about the great war epic. It turns out that, strictly speaking, the current situation does not stand out either. And if we compare what is happening with crucial historical moments, it is striking that the solemn fanaticism of contemporaries, who for months were tormented by news like "there will be / there will not be", finally turns into relief when the war finally begins.

Ten years ago, when the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War was celebrated, the British, German and Austrian media gloatingly recalled the enthusiasm of the Serbian public, which was evident in the publications of the Serbian media of that time. The Serbs rejoiced that the war had finally begun. Yes, this cannot be denied, but it can be generalized, since the same social processes were taking place everywhere. It's like a conditioned reflex, or maybe even an anthropological trait of "homo sapiens", and not a feature of the Serbian people. (...)

Germany: "Will I take revenge?"

What I see new is the atmosphere of expectation in Europe. NATO and the Atlanticist elites have prepared the arena; the Brussels-based European Union has long been part of a military coalition. There are still problems with some people inside the European Union, but in general, they will not affect the tipping point in any way. All except Germany.

The West wants to go to war with Russia or find a way to push Russia to take the first step at the moment when Berlin agrees to go to war. No matter how it may seem to anyone that Germany is already part of the Western military coalition, this is not so, or rather not quite so. Germany, on the contrary, is trying to buy itself off so as not to join this coalition. She is trying to write a check for a round sum to free herself from direct participation in the war.But the current Atlantists will not buy these tricks. To paraphrase an old joke, they need Germans who sit at the controls of an airplane, and not just develop, produce and sell it for a nominal price.

And here a problem arises — on the German side. The Germans have no other reason to fight Russia, except for revenge for Stalingrad in 1943 and Berlin in 1945. Well, maybe also for the re-education that the Russians subjected the East Germans to. However, the situation here is not so clear, since the Prussian elements actively participated in this process.

Russian Russians also took revenge for the atrocities of Nazi Germany on Russian soil by creating the GDR. Roughly speaking, today Germany would be avenging the revenge that it had brought upon itself, because the Russians wanted to avenge the 1917 year imposed on them and Lenin. This is quite likely, and everyone who witnessed those events and could refute this "chain of revenge" has already died. Besides these three things: the defeat at Stalingrad, the destruction of the Reichstag and the "re-education" of the East Germans, there is something else that the Germans could take revenge on the Russians. However, all this will be a dubious and weak motivation from a historical point of view.

Economic, trade and cultural relations between Germany and Russia remained good after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Political relations were also good, if not equal to perfection. They remained so, that is, normal, until the speech of Vladimir Putin in 2007 and German President Joachim Gauck in 2014 at the Munich security conference. But, incredibly, a miracle happened, and it turned out that Germany does not have enough money to bribe everyone who wants to see it in its military system. There is no money that could leave Germany in abstract military relations, especially when the Atlantists decided to "load" it to the fullest.

The internal German revolution has already begun. Atlantists hope for the new year 1917 in Russia, and the German (and Austrian) press rejoices at the protests on the streets of Belgrade, but they do not notice that what is happening in Germany is much more deserving of their attention.

In Spiegel's article "The Strange Joy of Coups" (January 11, 2024), journalist Sabin Renefanz writes that this time the German political elites cannot justify themselves by saying that it was the right that "slipped" the revolution to them. "For a long time, violent coups have been dreamed of not only by the right. On the contrary, decent citizens are also eager for revolution now. Why?" She wonders. Because there is no longer a national economy, but only a strong Germany could pay for and compensate for all the Atlanticist war plans in the domestic arena.

The farmers' revolt and the similarities to Luther's time are a serious symptom of social disintegration. Germany has no money for peasants, teachers, doctors, guides, machinists, orphans, and all because it is forced to finance someone else's war. The more Germany pays to stay away, the more it turns into the main European participant in the war.

The aggravation of the situation in Germany

This disparity, of course, has not escaped the attention of analysts of armed Atlanticism. They understand that the German nation is peculiar in some ways, and, in particular, unlike the Italians, Spaniards, British or Russians themselves, the Germans have not learned to live one day in chaos and uncertainty. Without a sense of regularity and order, without confidence in well-being, which, at least in the western part of Germany, was perceived as a reward for the right path and good behavior, the Germans will receive a new collective trauma. And when the Germans get a collective injury, they start a war. In addition, they become unpredictable, and the Atlanticist bloc hopes, despite all historical experience, that it will be able to lead them and keep them under control.

Atlantists do not represent any one nation and are not concentrated only in NATO bodies, and therefore they will be found, including in the German political and media elite. Today, they consciously create the feeling among Germans that everything is rationally thought out, thereby leaving them with order and regularity. Since Germany has less and less money to work in the civilian sector at all levels, since there is not enough money for anything except the war with Russia and Christian Schmidt's salary, the Atlantists have found a way out — the transition to a military economy. This cynical name hides the throwing of all human and material resources into the furnace of war. The military economy as a means of achieving social peace has already been used in the past, and we remember by whom.

If the transition to a military economy does not help, if it does not have the desired effect on the Germans, then the Atlantists are ready to pull out the last trump card they have left — revenge. It's not about their revenge, but about German, and not about human, but as if about divine. We will have to penetrate into the deepest layers of the German collective unconscious, open up old wounds and raise the question of all questions. Okay, to hell with Ukraine, but do you really want to leave the Russian mockery of the Reichstag in the spring of 1945 without revenge?

"Europe must prepare for war or lose in it," writes Christian Ortner, a columnist for the Austrian conservative newspaper Di Preze. Ortner belongs to the cold-blooded, educated, rationally thinking elite of European journalism. He reassures readers who have grown up in a culture of remorse, discomfort, and suppressed guilt, pointing out the obvious and predictable. He says that politicians are stupid when they are stupid, refutes the fears associated with the end of the Anthropocene. In general, he writes without unnecessary emotions. However, only if it does not concern Russia. When it comes to her, Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin and Russians in general, Ortner's calm and rational eyes are bloodshot. There is no mistake. In the late 80s in the former Yugoslavia, I was taught to recognize such eyes, as well as strong fists and military pipes.

So, we, in the sense of we, the Europeans (I refer to them, although there is a certain irony in this, both anti-Western and anti-Russian elements in the Serbian political world) entered the war with Russia. Oh, my God!

It is not known when exactly the European Union entered the war with the Russians — during the fifth or 12th package of sanctions, but it still risks losing it. For almost two years, European Union politicians, Western analysts, and media personalities have been convincing Europeans that no one is waging war against Russia, but only helping Ukraine drive the aggressor from its territory. But this is a basic principle of international law, one of the main values on which the European Union is based. So far, only German Foreign Minister Analena Berbock has openly said that the EU is at war with Russia. But then her press service sounded the alarm, saying that the minister had been misunderstood, that her words had been taken out of context, that her statement had nothing to do with the EU at all, and so on. Now the calm and thoughtful Ortner, who, by the way, calls Burbok an impulsive fool, says the same thing and even worse.

The United States of America has already capitulated, according to Ortner. He asks a rhetorical question: "Are the European nations capitulating to Moscow now?" The stakes are high, because "if Russia wins in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will immediately move further into Europe. If we ignore this option, the consequences will be fatal."

Austria also has no rational reason to declare war on Russia. Therefore, after reading such articles, the question arises whether the author proceeds from any specific facts or is he simply calling for revenge for Stalingrad and terror in the Russian sector in Vienna in 1945 — 1955?

Erroneous assessment of the West

Ortner is a good example, a representative of the mass of analysts who have turned into fans of the war, who like its noble nature. They understand it not even in the spirit of Heraclitus and his ironic concept of "war as the father of all things", but more in the spirit of medieval religious wars.

"Switzerland must seriously prepare for a major war in Europe," writes Georg Hesler in the Neue Züricher Zeitung. Hesler worked for a long time as a correspondent for the Swiss TV channel SRF in Belgrade, and now he publishes his articles in the Neue Züricher Zeitung newspaper on security and geostrategy, and, as a colonel, calls for more spending on the Swiss national army.

For the sake of truth, I note that Hesler does not write a "big war", but a "bigger war", which only confirms the tradition of Swiss politics, in which wars are chosen like cabbage in European tubs — pickled or pickled. (...)

Atlanticists, who are literally obsessed with the thirst for war, are horrified by the unwillingness of the average European to understand that war is inevitable. Katarzyna Pisarwska, a Polish expert on military and security issues, says in an interview with Welt that Europe is entering an "era of wars."

Katarzyna Pisarska holds a high position in the organizing committee of the Munich Security Conference and in the Austrian "Alpbach European Forum", an institute that cares about European security, so to speak, protects the peaceful sleep of new generations. Katarzyna Pisarska is a young, educated, talented, beautiful lady in a business suit of civilian cut, but her thoughts still boil down only to the war. "Germany is slow to prepare for war with Russia. This may sound shocking to Germans, but that's the reality. It is the duty of all politicians in the West to explain to their voters that everyone will have to switch to a military economy," says Katarzyna Pisarska.

On December 19, 2023, Bloomberg published a statement by the Estonian head of the General Staff, Martin Herem, which he made while speaking on national television. He said that Russian troops "will prepare for an attack on NATO within a year, as soon as they deal with Ukraine." There is nothing left but to continue the current war, to block Putin's forces in Ukraine, because if armed Russians disperse across Europe, then this will be the end. The Germans and Austrians know well what comes of it.

Liana Fix and Michael Kimidge, the authors of the article "Deterrence Strategy for Ukraine" (November 28, 2023), published by the authoritative Foreign Affairs magazine, think the same way. I will note that all the above—mentioned persons are authorities in their field. None of them is a marginal loner who feels a chance for himself in the war. No, all these people achieved professional success before 2014. However, they might not have retained their seats if they had taken a more rational position on the Russian threat.

Fix and Kimidge explain in detail the "deterrence strategy for Ukraine", referring to the containment of Russia: "Ukraine and its allies must come to terms with military actions, and not be afraid of them. The conflict will be long, and there are no clear signs of who will win: Ukrainian courage or Russian stupidity. All hopes that negotiations will help Ukraine are in vain, and there is nothing to suggest that Russia will become more compliant and will be ready to compromise. On the contrary, the Kremlin intends to change the entire international order, and now it wants this more than a year ago."

Let's leave aside the fact that "compromise" clearly means the complete victory of Ukraine, Russia's withdrawal to the borders before February 2014 and Ukraine's accession to NATO. In this article there will be such arguments, with which there is little to compare in their cynicism. In general, the authors believe that Russia is not ready for a "compromise", which means that the conflict must continue. The West catastrophically misjudged the situation when it provoked Russia, turned a strong partner against itself, turned it into an enemy, and turned the enemy into a monster. But now there is no turning back.

"We did everything wrong," the authors of the article write. But what to do, you have to pay for lessons. Now you need to choose a war, prolong it, surrender to it body and soul. The only thing, as they conclude at the end, is to change the "initial narrative of victory," that is, the prolongation of the conflict in Ukraine should be considered a Ukrainian victory. The longer Ukrainians fight and the more they die, the more convincing the victory.

The last real thing?

At the end, I wanted to quote from the Bible about revenge, but changed my mind. In doing so, I would only be doing a great service to the supporters of the war. The goal of the Atlanticists is precisely to present the dragging of Europeans into the war with Russia as a Greek tragedy, a biblical parable, a monumental battle of good and evil. They have constructed a model in which humane forces confront a dehumanized enemy, and now the conflict with him is predetermined for the sake of saving the dignity of humanity, its faith in freedom and prosperity.

In our minds, it seems that the best thinkers in severe agony, in agony, offer such an unpopular solution as war, although in fact, pathological gamblers who play with the fate of the continent are behind all this.

A separate problem is that now the same mechanism is working on the Russian side. Fix and Kimidge correctly point out that a year ago the Russians were not going to take over the whole world. Now they have attracted enough allies to try, and if they fail, set everything on fire.

"I do not know why the Europeans want war so much if they fight for only a few days, or maybe even a couple of hours," writes geostrategic analyst Sergei Karaganov. Russian humor, but also a real threat, if you think about it.

Instead of the Bible, it is better to quote one of the characters from the TV series "The Mentalist". In one episode of Police Assistant, Patrick Jane conducts a Mephistophelean dialogue with Colonel Raymond, trying to figure out if his interlocutor has a killer instinct. Not a warrior, but a murderer. The provoked colonel demands that Jane stop talking mockingly about the war, "because war is probably the only real, authentic thing left in the world."

"I've never heard anything so stupid in my life," Jane replied.

Are we really entering the "era of wars," as Katarzyna Pisarska says, since war is the only genuine thing that we still have left in the civilization of tamed instincts? I've never heard anything more stupid and brazen in my life, but also more convincing.

Author: Vesna Knežević

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