
The 90-seat Elysian electric plane will fly 1000 km on a single battery charge

Sections: Air, New development

Elysian Aircraft

Dutch startup Elysian has received a $10 million investment from Panta Holdings to design a multi-seat aircraft with an all-electric propulsion system. So far, this is just a concept, the possibilities of which are confirmed by theoretical calculations. However, the authors are confident that they will be able to build a working prototype by 2033.

According to the developers of Elysian, their brainchild will be able to travel 800 km on a single charge of 360 Wh/kg batteries. Today, there are already versions for 500 Wh/ kg, which will increase the path to 1000 km, after which the aircraft will be able to claim service for about half of all commercial flights in the world. This should be a kind of revolution and abolish the myth that electrical equipment is too heavy and inconvenient to fly.

Elysian Aircraft

Structurally, Elysian resembles narrow-body aircraft of the middle of the last century, which were characterized by low energy efficiency. It has long and wide wings with curved ends, the entire volume of batteries and landing gear is located inside the wings, which gave a 15% weight saving of the airframe. Experts note that $ 10 million will clearly not be enough to build such a device, it will take billions of dollars and years of work. The main problem of Elysian is the lack of infrastructure in modern airports for fast charging of such a volume of batteries. As well as the service for their maintenance. Also, the aircraft will need special batteries that can withstand increased load, long-term operation, cold altitude, etc. That is, to create the aircraft itself, it will be necessary to additionally build conditions for its use, which is unlikely to be possible for one company.

Alexander Martynenko

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