
"Great destructive potential": the Western press assessed the use of TBG-7V thermobaric ammunition from drones by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation


Image source: topwar.ru

Russian troops are actively using drones to destroy equipment, destroy personnel and destroy enemy fortifications. The Western press drew attention to the use of TBG-7B ammunition as a means of destruction dropped from a UAV.

Attack drones have become widespread, but it is quite rare to see them equipped with weapons with such great destructive potential

- it is noted in the edition of World Defense News.

There are photos on the network in which drones are equipped with a shot with a TBG-7B thermobaric high-explosive grenade. This type of ammunition disperses a cloud of combustible particles before igniting them, which leads to a powerful detonation. This explosion not only creates a devastating shock wave, but also absorbs the surrounding oxygen, creating a suffocating effect.

Image source: topwar.ru

The uniqueness of this weapon lies in its ability to cause significant damage over large areas, which makes its use especially dangerous in urban conditions or confined spaces.

- the publication says, giving an assessment of the ammunition.

TBG-7B is designed for use with the RPG-7 grenade launcher. The shot is capable of penetrating armored and fortified targets. It effectively affects the enemy's manpower located in trenches and bunkers at a distance of 2 m from the epicenter of the grenade explosion.

This ammunition leaves no chance for all living things in rooms with a volume of up to 300 cubic meters

- it says on the website of Rosoboronexport.

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