
Azerbaijani special forces are undergoing retraining and advanced training on Israeli armored vehicles

Image source: topwar.ru

Special forces units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces are being trained on Israeli Sandcat armored vehicles. In the process of professional development, it is planned to hone the skills of neutralizing a potential enemy who tried to carry out sabotage attacks.

Earlier, Baku acquired 100 SandCat armored vehicles manufactured by the Israeli company Plasan. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), armored vehicles were supplied to Azerbaijan in the period from 2015 to 2018.

In addition to armored vehicles, the Israeli company handed over to Azerbaijan 10 self-propelled SandCat Spear mortars of 120 mm caliber, the use of which can significantly increase the firepower of units, while maintaining a high level of mobility.

The Sandcat armored vehicle of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.
Source: topwar.ru

It should be noted that Israel and Azerbaijan are actively developing military-technical cooperation. Even the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip is not an obstacle to the ties between the two states in the field of defense and security, although Azerbaijan is a state in which the vast majority of the population professes Islam.

The Sandcat armored vehicle of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.
Source: topwar.ru

Sandcat armored vehicles manufactured by the Israeli company Plasan are described by military experts as multi-purpose platforms that meet the requirements of military and police special forces units. Now such armored vehicles are used in Asia, Africa, and Europe, and the military notes a combination of mobility, a high level of security and high payload capacity.

Recall that the models of the fourth generation of armored vehicles now exist in three versions: A Troop Carrier that can accommodate up to 10 people, a Utility with an armored vehicle for the crew and a capacity of up to 5 people, and a Single Cab that can accommodate up to three people.

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