
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation showed footage of Su-34 fighter-bomber strikes on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kupyansk direction


Image source: topwar.ru

The Russian army continues offensive operations in several directions. One of the main ones for the revenge of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the so-called summer counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was the Kupyansky sector of the front in the Kharkiv region. The city was taken by our troops in the first days of the special operation, however, during the alignment and reduction of the general front line, Russian units left Kupyansk in September 2022. Now the offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on Kupyansk has become one of the most successful in terms of the volume of the liberated territory and the depth of the advance.

The ground operations of our troops are supported from the sky by the army, assault and front-line aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Our pilots work both on enemy positions on the line of contact and on rear targets, disrupting the transfer of enemy reserves, destroying ammunition depots and other military facilities.

Image source: topwar.ru

The real nightmare for the Armed Forces of Ukraine has become heavy high-explosive aerial bombs (FAB) with a universal planning and correction module (UMPC), which turns these destructive munitions into high-precision long-range weapons. The Ukrainian military has repeatedly admitted that they are not capable of shooting down UFAB even with the vaunted Western air defense systems. And this is despite the fact that Russian anti-aircraft gunners quickly learned how to intercept both HIMARS jet missiles and Anglo-French Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG cruise missiles, which were previously considered practically invulnerable to air defense systems.

Image source: topwar.ru

The Russian Ministry of Defense showed footage of the training, departure and work of the crews of Su-34 fighter-bombers of the Russian Aerospace Forces, who worked on enemy positions with high-explosive aerial bombs from UMPK just in the Kupyansk area. All previously identified reconnaissance targets were hit. As a result of the air strikes, command posts, transport vehicles and heavy armored vehicles of Ukrainian militants were destroyed. Having completed the combat mission without entering the enemy air defense zone, the Russian pilots returned safely to their home airfield.

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