
ICS announced the development of a new generation of river vessels Zarya

Sections: Sea, New development

"Zarya-M"/"Zarya-Max", project image

It became known that the specialists of the Shipbuilding Engineering Center have begun the development of high-speed river vessels with low draft Zarya-M and Zarya-Max, which will carry out regional passenger transportation on rivers in the European part of the country.

These vessels should preserve the advantages of the legendary Soviet series of riverboats of the Zarya R-83 model, which operated on local lines between small towns, villages and large suburban settlements where the road network is not developed and the rivers have shallow depths. Jet propulsion engines provided them with speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour, and these vessels could even receive and unload passengers on an unprepared shore.

The Soviet motor ship Zarya R-83

It is reported that the Zarya-M and Zarya-Max being developed will have a passenger capacity of 80 and 120 people, respectively, and the number of crew members will not exceed three people. Depending on the modification of the vessel, the design speed ranges from 35 to 45 km/h. There is no information on other technical characteristics of the Zari-M and Zari-Max, although it is said about swivel chairs for the crew, for the manufacture of which hygienic medical polyurethane will be used, so that the chair can take a comfortable shape, reducing the load on the spine and reducing the risk of occupational diseases among crew members. Also mentioned are the aft ship's view, convenient remote viewing mirrors and a deck with a porous rubber-containing coating that significantly reduces both vibration during movement and shaking during excitement.

Max Antonov

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Comments [1]
07.12.2023 11:10
Информация крайне скудная о том,что изменится в новом проекте.Если только упомянутое кресло для судоводителя да каучуковое покрытие для палубы(кстати,раньше оно было резиновым-в чем отличие???) +зеркала заднего вида ,то называть проект новым минимум глупо.
А ведь в конце 80х и начале 90х доморощеные экологи просто достали эксплуатантов , обвиняя данный проект во всех грехах:и дескать берега размывает ,и малька губит всего абсолютно...Зори вывели из эксплуатации и ,о чудо, за прошедшие 30 дет рыбы в Дону и притоках не стало  вообще...
Теперь возрождаем Зори..А может нужно спросить однажды с тех ,кто гробил,кто настаивал на остановке производства и эксплуатации?Достать этих тварей с пенсии да к позорному столбу истории...понятно,что в тюрьму у нас вредителей не садят..Так хотя бы оправдать несправедливо оплеваный проект и его защитников..
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