
The United States and the Philippines signed an agreement on the export of nuclear technologies and materials to Manila


Image source: topwar.ru

The US authorities and the Philippines have signed an agreement under which the American side will be able to supply Manila with nuclear technologies and materials. This is reported by the Reuters news agency.

According to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who attended the signing ceremony in San Francisco, Washington will have the opportunity to share equipment and materials with the Philippines. This will be very useful for the Philippines, as the country is working on the creation of small modular reactors.

We see that nuclear power will become part of the energy balance of the Philippines by 2032, and we are more than happy to follow this path together with the United States

- President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said in his speech.

According to the head of the Philippine state, nuclear energy is one of those industries in which the partnership between the United States and the Philippines is most clearly manifested. However, it is now required to obtain the approval of the US Congress, after which Washington will be able to transfer nuclear materials, equipment and information to Manila in accordance with the points of the agreement.

The United States has recently been paying increased attention to the Philippines in order to strengthen its position in the Asia-Pacific region. Washington needs partners to confront China, which in the event of a conflict can be connected to the confrontation.

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