
Chinese scientists have created a high-power Stirling thermoacoustic generator

Sections: Sea, New development

Image source: topwar.ru

Chinese scientists have been able to achieve a significant breakthrough in the field of Stirling installations, which will significantly reduce the sound signature of submarines.

As indicated in the SCMP publication, developers from the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC) announced that they managed to design a Stirling thermoacoustic generator with high energy output. The possibility of manufacturing a high-power installation was proved by American scientists from NASA, who issued a corresponding patent. However, it did not go beyond the theory.

The principle of operation of the Stirling engine is to convert the heat received from external sources into sound waves that create an acoustic field, which drives the piston. In this case, the linear electric generator generates alternating current. The installation itself is far from new and is already used on submarines, but Chinese scientists have managed to raise it to a new level of power.

Image source: topwar.ru

According to them, the prototype they created, which has a length of about two meters, can produce up to 102 kilowatts of power at a heat source temperature of 530 degrees Celsius. Helium acts as a working medium under a pressure of 15 megapascals. The coefficient of heat transfer to electricity is 28%; it is possible to increase this indicator to 34%.

According to the developers, their invention will be used on Chinese submarines and spacecraft.

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