
The Russian supersonic airliner will be shown in 2029, but it will be a demonstrator

Sections: Air, New development

Russian passenger supersonic will be shown in 2029

Many countries are paying more and more attention to the creation of supersonic airliners for passenger transportation and related technologies, and the United States is the most active in this direction, but Russia, apparently, is not going to lag behind.

Currently, domestic specialists are conducting the necessary research, which should lead to the appearance of a full-scale aircraft demonstrator of this technology by approximately 2029. We are talking about the Strizh project, about which information has already appeared this summer. According to Dmitry Smirnov, who holds the post of deputy head of the Siberian Aviation Research Institute, also known as SibNIA, it is planned to start creating a preliminary demonstrator in the period from 2028 to 2029, where they will work out "civil supersonic" and all related technologies. Moreover, the main problems here are increased fuel consumption and aerodynamic shock.

Russian passenger supersonic will be shown in 2029

At the same time, if the demonstrator is presented in 2029, then about 10 more years will pass before the first prototype, and MAI Rector Mikhail Poghosyan is generally confident that a prototype of a supersonic airliner should be expected no earlier than in 2035-2040.

Max Antonov

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