
Azerbaijan used Pakistani and Belarusian MLRS in strikes on Karabakh


Image source: topwar.ru

During the remote strikes on the positions of the Armenian troops in Karabakh, the Azerbaijani troops used the Pakistani-made KRL-122 MLRS and the Belarusian B-200 Polonaise.

As indicated in the Army Recognition publication, the KRL-122, also known as Gadab, is a 122-mm rocket launcher based on the BM-21 Grad. Originally mounted on the Isuzu truck chassis, it was later adapted to the Reo M35 platform. In the video published by the Azerbaijani side, the MLRS apparently uses the Ural-375D as a basis.

The B-200 Polonaise is a Belarusian 300 mm MLRS that can launch various types of missiles, including guided and unguided missiles with various warheads. It maintains accuracy within a 30-meter deviation even with a maximum firing range of 200 km. It was first introduced in 2015. The upgraded version of the "Polonaise-M" boasts an increased fire distance of up to 299 km.

Image source: topwar.ru

Azerbaijan has been actively preparing for a military confrontation with Armenia for many years, buying military equipment mainly in non-traditional markets for 2000-2010, including Turkey, Israel, Belarus, and Pakistan. As a result, Baku was able to acquire systems for remote strikes, bypassing the unspoken embargo in this segment from the West and Russia.

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