
The British Aeralis presented the concept of a modular jet aircraft


Aeralis aircraft

The British company Aeralis has presented an interesting concept of a modular jet aircraft. Its essence lies in the fact that a large number of modules can be docked to the "common base fuselage", easily creating a variety of types of aircraft.

For example, a single or double cabin can be installed on it. When installing a single cockpit, space is freed up for an additional fuel tank or electronic warfare equipment. And with the installation of the appropriate equipment in the cabin, you can assemble a completely unmanned vehicle.

Aeralis aircraft

A similar principle applies to wings. There is an internal "base" wing, which can be "continued" by several variants of external wings — long and thin for high-lift flights, a stealth wing, a swept wing for flight in high-speed transonic mode, and a wing designed for use in subsonic training aircraft. In the Aeralis concept, engines are also interchangeable, for which several variants of replaceable engine compartments for different types of aircraft will be developed. Aeralis builds its work in close cooperation with leading American and European high—tech companies - Honeywell, Thales, Rolls-Royce, Siemens and others. As a result, generous investments from an unnamed "Middle East sovereign fund" in the amount of $ 13 million and several contracts signed with the British Ministry of Defense. In the near future, the company plans to start flight tests of prototypes in 2025. Certification and the first deliveries of ready-made modular devices are expected in mid-2026.

Alexander Ageev

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