
The new model of the armored snowmobile is ready for any off-road


Image source: vestnik-rm.ru

The new domestic protected snowmobile with an armored body 33GT-34039B can not be afraid of off-road. It will be good even in mountainous conditions, for example, on passes up to 4650 meters high.

As noted by Rossiyskaya Gazeta (the Russian Weapons project ), the components and assemblies of this tracked vehicle function normally both in 50-degree frost and in 40-degree heat.

Image source: vestnik-rm.ru

The conveyor is quite compact, its length is 5780 mm, width - 2545 mm, height - 1800 mm. Curb weight - 6300 kg, full -7800 kg.

Load capacity - 1500 kg. The weight of the towed trailer is two tons.

The snowmobile can accommodate up to twelve military personnel, while it is possible to organize up to four beds.

Image source: vestnik-rm.ru

The distance from the ground to the bottom is 400 mm. The width of the track is 390 mm. The average specific pressure on the ground is 0.28 kg /cm.

The D-245.9E2 diesel engine with a capacity of 136 horsepower provides the ability to move on normal roads at a speed of 45 km/h. The speed when overcoming water obstacles is 6 km/h. The fuel reserve is 600 km.

Image source: vestnik-rm.ru

For self-defense and fire support, machine-gun weapons are being installed - a sample armed with a 7.62mm PCM was demonstrated at the Army-2023 International Military-Technical Forum.

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