
"The quietest submarine in the world": Italian company offers new submarine U-212 NFS


Image source: topwar.ru

Submarines of the U-212A Todaro class have become a successful project for the German defense industry. They are in service with the German and Italian Navies, and their upgraded versions are equipped with fleets of many countries of the world.

The Italian company Fincantieri has developed a new version of this submarine, designated U-212 NFS, signed a contract for the construction of two units for the national Navy and offers it for sale to Indonesia, which has been rapidly increasing its naval potential in recent years.

Type 212 is the quietest submarine in the world

- it is said on the website of the organization of European defense cooperation OCCAR.

The $540 million U-212 NFS uses lithium-ion batteries for driving (the U-212A runs on diesel fuel, switching to VNEU at low speeds for low-noise running). The new submarine will have a wider hull capable of carrying high pressure; an updated CIC [information processing center] to accommodate additional consoles; an electric mast instead of a hydraulic one; a new engineering control system; the ability to work effectively in seawater with tropical temperatures.

It is claimed that the new submarine will provide a longer range, depth of immersion and displacement. The U-212 NFS will be armed with long-range cruise missiles and Leonardo's Black Shark Advanced [533 mm] torpedoes.

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