
A captured rare T-80UE-1 tank was seen in service with the AFU

Sections: Land, Global safety

Image source: topwar.ru

In the materials posted on Western resources, Soviet T-80U tanks and a rather rare T-80UE-1, which is a hybrid of the T-80BV hull upgraded to the T-80U standard with a turret from the T-80UD tank, are seen moving in a column of the AFU. The commander's observation turret 1EC29 with a 12.7 mm closed machine gun is visible on the tower.

According to the AFU, a total of four abandoned cars of this type were seized in the city of Sumy. At least one of them continues to serve in the troops of the Kiev regime. Now it belongs to the 93rd Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Image source: topwar.ru

The T-80UE-1 is a Russian tank created by integrating an improved version of the BV hull and turret from the T-80UD version with some additional technological changes. The SLA has been upgraded, the Plisa IR sight has been installed, which is very similar to its ESSA counterpart from the T-90A. They also replaced the 2A46M-1 cannon with a more modern 2A46M-4. The loading mechanism of the 6EK43-2C model has been modified, which allows the use of more modern ammunition, including BOPS with an elongated core and new programmable fuses of the Ainet system for the OFS.

The reason for the chassis change was problems with the T-80UD diesel power units, since the original engines for them were produced in Ukraine.

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