
Putin announced the presence of depleted uranium shells in Russia

Image source: Фото: ТАСС/Гавриил Григоров

Russia has depleted uranium ammunition in large quantities, but so far they have not been used, as Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday, June 13.

He stressed that the Russian side reserves the right to use depleted uranium ammunition in response to their use by the enemy.

The Head of State stated that there is currently no need to apply them.

"There is no need to respond to the preemptive [response]. We have a lot of such depleted uranium ammunition. And if they (the Armed Forces of Ukraine. — Ed.) will be used, then we also reserve the right to use the same ammunition. We have them, we don't just use them. But if necessary, we are able to do it," Putin said.

On June 13, The Wall Street Journal newspaper, citing American officials, wrote that the White House intends to provide Ukraine with depleted uranium tank shells.

On the same day, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and relations with compatriots, Viktor Vodolatsky, said that Russia should request a meeting of the UN Security Council because of information about the transfer of such weapons to Kiev. He stressed that the use of depleted uranium shells is a gross violation of all international rules, because it threatens to infect the territory and health problems of citizens who will live in the area of use of these shells.

Earlier, on March 25, the President of Russia also warned that the Russian Federation would respond to the use of depleted uranium ammunition if this happens. He stressed that such weapons are of the most dangerous nature for humans and the environment, and when they are used by the Ukrainian side, the cultivated areas in the country will be polluted.

Western countries have increased military and financial support for Ukraine after the start of Russia's special operation to protect Donbass. The decision to hold it was announced on February 24, 2022 against the background of the aggravation of the situation due to the increased shelling by Ukrainian militants.

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