
Russian chipmaker "Micron" switches to Chinese equipment


Russian "Micron" switches to Chinese equipment

Against the background of Russia's almost complete lack of access to foreign equipment, the semiconductor manufacturer Micron is switching to using the necessary equipment from Chinese companies in its production, as well as from some other countries, including even Belarus.

As the top manager of Micron Sergey Ranchin clarifies, the company is trying to increase its production capacity in terms of the production of semiconductor products according to 90 nm technological standards, however, in the conditions of established prohibitions on the purchase of advanced materials, technologies and services, the plant has to develop production by replacing "one horse with another".

Russian "Micron" switches to Chinese equipment

Last year, representatives of Micron openly announced plans to increase the production of silicon wafers for 90/180-nanometer chips from 3,000 to 6,000 units by 2025, which will require investments of about 10 billion rubles. In addition, since 2022, there has been a serious overload of production lines at Micron, and next year the plant should start creating its own chips necessary for the production of SIM cards with domestic cryptography, as we reported not so long ago.

Max Antonov

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