
Russian Foreign Ministry: attempts to target Kiev for further confrontation with Russia are doomed to failure

Image source: Пресс-служба МИД РФ/ ТАСС

According to the official representative of the department Maria Zakharova, Western countries openly support the policy of the Ukrainian authorities to physically eliminate ethnic Russians

MOSCOW, June 1. /tass/. Any attempts by the West to supply weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and target Kiev to continue the confrontation with Russia are doomed to failure, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"No matter how the collective West tries to arm the Ukrainian Armed Forces and target the Ukrainian authorities to continue the confrontation with Russia, these attempts are doomed to failure," the diplomat said in a widely circulated comment .

The official representative of the diplomatic department stated that the United States and its NATO allies continue to "pump up the Kiev regime with modern types of weapons," pointing out that on May 26, at the 12th meeting of the contact group on defense assistance to Ukraine in the Ramstein format, the creation of the so-called fighter coalition was announced. 

The pursuit of profit

As Zakharova pointed out, such actions by the United States "conceal a banal desire to extract maximum benefit from this." "It's no secret that the United States, promoting any kind of "tank" or "fighter" coalitions, cares primarily about expanding its own presence on the European arms market. These efforts by Washington have already damaged the global economy and affected the well-being of the population of many countries far beyond Europe. The bitter fruits of the thoughtless escalation of the conflict in Ukraine will eventually be reaped not by the Americans, but by the Europeans blindly following in line with their policies," the diplomat emphasized.

Mercenaries in Ukraine

Zakharova also commented on the topic of mercenary activity, which, according to her, "is flourishing in Ukraine." "According to information recently published by the Investigative Committee of Russia, the number of militants from foreign countries fighting as part of the neo-Nazi units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine currently amounts to about 2.5 thousand people. These are representatives of 71 countries, of which 234 people have US citizenship, 233 are British citizens," the diplomat explained. She added that the so-called soldiers of fortune take part in sabotage sorties against the border settlements of Russia. "During the recent Bandera sabotage attack on the Grayvoronsky district of the Belgorod region, according to local residents, they clearly distinguished English and Polish speech," the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a comment.

Ukraine is the new Afghanistan

She also drew attention to the words of former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov, who recently said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had turned the country into a new Afghanistan. "We can only agree with this statement and state that Ukrainians were brazenly and cruelly deceived by Zelensky and his accomplices," Zakharova stressed. According to her, the residents of Ukraine, voting for Zelensky in the presidential elections in the spring of 2019, counted on national reconciliation, the cessation of the persecution of all Russians, the restoration of cooperation with the Russian Federation and the prosperity of their country, "and they received a militant totalitarian Nazi regime completely controlled from the outside." 

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