
Tehran accused Zelensky of spreading anti-Iranian propaganda

Image source: Iranian Foreign Ministry via AP

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic, Nasser Kanani Chafi, believes that it is necessary for the President of Ukraine to attract additional military and financial assistance from the WestTEHRAN, May 28.

/tass/. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky is conducting anti-Iranian propaganda to attract additional military and financial assistance from Western countries. This was stated on Saturday by the official representative of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Kanani Chafi.

"Another reproduction of false statements of the President of Ukraine against the Islamic Republic is anti-Iranian propaganda and part of the information war. This is aimed at attracting even more weapons and financial assistance from Western countries," the ISNA news agency quotes the diplomat as saying.

The representative of the Foreign Ministry confirmed Tehran's readiness to take part in the political settlement of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. "Iran has always stated that it opposes the ongoing war in Ukraine, regrets the pain and suffering of the Ukrainian people, stresses the need to find a political solution [to the conflict] and is ready to help in its implementation," Kanani Chafi is quoted by ISNA news agency as saying.

On May 24, Zelensky said that "the people of Iran are being pushed deeper and deeper into the dark side of history," since the Islamic Republic supplies Russia with drones that are used for strikes on Ukraine. Commenting on the statement of the President of Ukraine, Kanani Chafi said that Tehran has repeatedly demonstrated its readiness to jointly study the allegations of the use of drones, but Kiev refuses to cooperate with Iranian experts. "Ukraine avoids negotiations with Iran, which confirms the baselessness of the claims, the existence of specific political goals and motives for such accusations against the Islamic Republic," the diplomat stressed.

Moscow and Tehran have repeatedly denied allegations about the supply of Iranian drones to Russia for their use in Ukraine. The press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called such messages stuffing and stressed that the Russian army uses drones of domestic production. At the beginning of November last year, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahiyan said that the Islamic Republic had supplied drones to Russia, but in small quantities and a few months before the start of the military operation in Ukraine. 

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