
The Prime Minister of Armenia announced an agreement with Azerbaijan on mutual recognition of the territorial integrity of states


Image source: topwar.ru

Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed to recognize each other's territorial integrity. This was stated by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who is in Moscow today, where a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council is taking place.

The head of the Armenian government noted that Yerevan is ready to unblock all transport corridors to the neighboring country. Regional communications with Azerbaijan, he said, will also be open.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stresses that a peace agreement between the two countries can be concluded, since Armenia has finally recognized Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. In addition, the head of the Azerbaijani state stressed that his country has no territorial claims against Armenia.

There are serious prerequisites for the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia on the basis of mutual recognition of territorial integrity and sovereignty

- Ilham Aliyev stressed.

Meanwhile, both in Armenia and in the Armenian community as a whole, not all famous people support Pashinyan's statement. Two days ago, the well-known businessman and former NKR State Minister Ruben Vardanyan stated that no one except the people of Artsakh (the Armenian name of Karabakh) has the right to make such decisions.

120 thousand people living in Artsakh, including 30 thousand children, have the right to determine their own future. No one can impose these decisions on them from the outside

- Vardanyan declared.

For many supporters of Karabakh's independence, Pashinyan's statement looks like a recognition of a kind of "surrender" to Azerbaijan. On the other hand, the forces of Armenia and Azerbaijan are not comparable, even if Turkey, which stands behind Azerbaijan, is not taken into account, and this is well understood in Yerevan. The question of what future awaits the NKR remains open.

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