
Complete liquidation: the regime of WHO was canceled after the defeat of the Ukrainian DRG

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости/Пресс-служба Минобороны РФ

More than 70 terrorists and nine pieces of equipment were destroyed in the Belgorod regionIn the Belgorod region, the regime of the counter-terrorist operation was canceled, evacuated residents began to return to their homes.

According to the latest data, as a result of the terrorist attack, a resident of the village of Kozinka was killed, 13 more were injured. The Kremlin expressed deep concern about the incident and said that the security agencies are doing everything to prevent similar events in the future. The Defense Ministry reported on the defeat of the attackers, the destruction of more than 70 militants and nine pieces of equipment. Experts note that the norms of humanitarian law do not apply to those who attacked the Belgorod region, since they are considered terrorists under international laws.

Defeat of terrorists

The regime of the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the Belgorod region has been canceled, the head of the region Vyacheslav Gladkov said on May 23. According to him, residents of Grayvoron and Golovchino have returned to their homes, residents of Gore-Podol, Glotovo and Kozinki should be returned centrally in the near future.

"A civilian from the village of Kozinka died at the hands of the APU. The most sincere condolences to all relatives and friends. I know that his wife is in our hospital with injuries, all the necessary help is being provided to her," Gladkov wrote in his Telegram channel. Local authorities previously reported 13 injured local residents.

On May 23, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the incident "causes deep concern" and once again confirms that Ukrainian militants continue their activities against our country. According to him, law enforcement agencies are doing everything to prevent similar events in the future. "These efforts are continuing, and a special military operation is continuing in order to prevent such infiltrations in the future," Dmitry Peskov stressed.

Burnt-out armored vehicles of the Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group in the Belgorod region

Image Source: Photo: TASS/Press Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Commenting on reports that ethnic Russians may be among the terrorists, Peskov said: "These are Ukrainian militants from Ukraine. There are many ethnic Russians living in Ukraine. But they are still Ukrainian militants. That's what we need to proceed from, and our special agencies will now, of course, find out the identities of those who had to do with it."

— From the point of view of international law, this is a terrorist operation, and those who participated in it are terrorists, — former Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Ordzhonikidze told Izvestia. — They should not be subject to the norms of international humanitarian law, as combatants participating in armed conflicts. That is, these people must be destroyed.

According to him, such operations are usually planned by the leadership of the armed forces, in this case, of Ukraine.

— What they say about the fact that there is some kind of mythical "Russian corps" is complete nonsense. It was an operation [of the VFU]," the diplomat explained. — They opened artillery fire first. An invasion was launched under his cover. An operation aimed at leveling their defeat in Artemovsk. I think that such things will continue, so we need to prepare for them seriously.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry told about how the counter-terrorist operation took place in the Belgorod region.

Photo: TASS/Press Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Image source: iz.ru

— The Kiev regime, having been defeated in the city of Artemovsk, has moved to the implementation of terrorist actions against civilians. On May 22, after intensive artillery shelling of the Kozinka international checkpoint, as well as a number of other civilian objects of the Grayvoronsky district of the Belgorod region, a unit of the Ukrainian nationalist formation invaded the territory of the Russian Federation. During the counter—terrorist operation, air strikes, artillery fire and active actions of the units covering the state border of the Western Military District, nationalist formations were blocked and defeated," the ministry said.

The remnants of the militants were thrown back to the territory of Ukraine, and there they were hit by fire until they were completely eliminated, the Defense Ministry said. According to the ministry, more than 70 Ukrainian terrorists, four armored combat vehicles and five pickups were destroyed.

The special operation continues

On May 23, at least 720 people and 34 units of military equipment, including tanks, howitzers, self-propelled guns and armored vehicles, were lost in the special operation zone in all strategic directions of the VFU, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported.

In the Kharkiv and Zaporozhye regions, the actions of three Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups were suppressed.

Two ammunition depots of the 60th and 64th mechanized brigades of the VFU were destroyed in the DPR. In addition, in the area of the settlement of Toretsk, the control point of the 24th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was hit, as well as two fuel depots for military equipment of the VFU were destroyed in the area of Avdiivka.

Photo: TASS/NEWS.ru/Nikita Tsitsagi

Image source: iz.ru

The correspondent of Izvestia, Valentin Trushnin, showed how the group of fire destruction of the 287th separate rifle battalion of the first army corps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation works.

The shooters on the front line work from an open area. This time, the group of fire damage fired several shots at the positions of the militants from an LNG machine-gun grenade launcher. The first shot was fired at the old installations, the second — after adjusting the fire from the drone. Following this, the fighters fired several more shots.

— That's it, now we're leaving quickly. An event to cheer up the enemy," the correspondent commented, leaving the position together with the soldiers.

It is useful to arrange such a shake-up while the Ukrainian forces are trying to find weaknesses in our defense, said a fighter with the call sign Saran.

— So that, let's say, they don't relax, to show that we are here and that it's useless to climb here — we will meet them as it should be, of what there is, — he explained.

Photo: RIA Novosti

Image source: iz.ru

Saran also conveyed congratulations for his son through the Izvestia film crew: "Dimon, I want to congratulate you on your birthday. I'm sorry that this is the first time I haven't been around. You're helping Mom, well done, listen there. I'll be home soon."

The last feat

On May 23, the Russian Defense Ministry told about a soldier who showed courage and dedication in battle.

Ukrainian formations tried to break through the defense line of Russian troops. The platoon of Senior Lieutenant Alexander Bichaev advanced towards the enemy and struck a sudden blow, hampering further progress and cutting off the way for the entry of reserves.

Later, Alexander's unit was ambushed by fire. The officer was seriously wounded, but remained in position and continued to cover the group's exit from the encirclement with fire until the last.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Konstantin Mikhalchevsky

Image source: iz.ru

"His bold and decisive actions thwarted the enemy's offensive, inflicting significant losses on the enemy, and also saved the lives of the personnel entrusted to him," the Defense Ministry said.

For heroism, courage and bravery, Senior Lieutenant Alexander Bichaev was presented for the title of Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously.

Roman Kretsul

Andrey Fedorov

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